So, it turns out that Broyles wasn’t replaced by a shapeshifter after all. Although, to be honest, if I was him the first time Jones gave me medicine for my son I’d give it to Secretary Bishop to duplicate so that I wouldn’t have to rely on Jones.
It seems strange that Jones would want to collapse both worlds. Either he has a death wish, or there’s a third world he could escape to. He’s probably just insane.
Next week’s episode looks interesting, but it’s probably just a monster of the week. To be honest, I prefer as few of those as possible.
So what could Jones motive possibly be? Besides sheer evil of course. Boy I wish they hadn’t killed off alt-Lincoln. Really liked that character. Course I prefer Fauxlivia too.
You guys haven’t read enough comic books. He wants to collapse the worlds to make a new, third world, that he designs. It’s CRISIS ON INFINITE FRINGE! (And actually, with the whole “vibrations separating the two worlds” and “each vibrating at it’s own frequency” stuff, they’re REALLY riffing on DC Comics. )
I loved this ep–this (to me) was a perfect ep of Fringe. I don’t know if it’s ending this season or if it’s been picked up for one last season, but it doesn’t have the desperate loser “I DUNNO! JUST MAKE SOMETHING UP!! FAST!” stench that LOST had in it’s last season and a half. It feels like they know what they’re doing.
I’m rewatching FRINGE—Couple o points/questions (I watched 'em as they were coming out, so I don’t remember a lot of details–don’t worry about spoilers!)
Nina–in the first ep, her robot hand was a robot arm, at least up to her elbow…isn’t it just a hand now? (Also she explained it as cancer. Liar.)
The bit about Walter knowing L’il Olivia really well? I dunno. There’s no hint of recognition. That always felt tacked on. BUT…one question the “Won’t he just go away, given that he’s freakin’ DEAD” agent Scott asked was “Why did Broyles assign you to this case?” Perhaps to jog Olivia (or Walter’s) memory? But still–too many people know about the Cortexifan stuff for the early eps to make sense.
I’d forgotten what an unlikable, petulant little douche Peter was in the early episodes. Dude–your father is MENTALLY ILL (also annoying as hell). If you can’t stand how annoying he is, then go the fuck away. Berating him for his brain not working right isn’t…nice. He mellows (IIRC) later in the season (a bit) and the post-reboot-machine Peter is a much better character.
I don’t even remember if the whole “What was Agent Scott doing to/for who and why” thing was ever resolved, or if it was just so annoying that they said “Enough”
While we’re at it, the Broyles-hates-Olivia because she exposed his marine buddy who was sexually harassing women thing was dropped like a hot potato about half-way through the first episode. I wonder if they decided Broyles was too cool to make into a dick.
I’m not looking forward to the congressman-hates-Olivia crap. I recall that going on forever (although it hasn’t been introduced as of the ep I’m up to–the one about the horrible, whiney little punk with magnetic powers who wouldn’t! stop! whining!)
I find it interesting that the alt chars are upbeat and confident, as compared to the moody versions in our universe.
Yet, our universe has things pretty good compared to the alt version. For a long time, their world was one calamity after another that appeared to be an inevitable slide into the abyss. If anyone had a reason to brood, it was the alts.
Compare Alt-Astrid to the ordinary, run-of-the-mill Agent Farnsworth from this side who has no special talents or superpowers.
On many episodes there have been mad scientists, who have done crazy experiments that have hurt and killed people, but it was for what they thought would be the good of humanity. In the AV Club recap (or maybe the comments, I don’t remember) it was speculated that Jones is like this just on a much, much bigger scale. That either the threat will unite the worlds, or he thinks it would be better if there was just one combined universe. I think it would be interesting if it was something like this.
When Jones was meeting with his accomplice, he talked about tea being one thing he would miss. It didn’t sound like a “I’m going to miss it because I’ll be dead,” it sounded like “I’m going to miss it because I’m going to be somewhere else.”