One the one hand I was a huge fan until last…actually, I guess this season.
At first I questioned, and then grew to hate the whole changed timeline plot. And adding the Nina is gassing Olivia plot, instead of just focusing on restoring the timeline really pissed me off.
But anyway, I think at the very least this season should be allowed to finish. I think it would suck to kill it mid season.
Slightly off topic. On Facebook I’m linked to the Fringe page. They advertised a video clip for the upcoming episode. I clicked on it and they showed scenes from a previous show. The one where Walter is setting up cameras at multiple angles to get a picture of the “apparition” that’s been haunting him. :dubious:
Anyway, I’m glad they’ll finish this season and have a chance to fix the timeline.
I wonder why the show has such low ratings. The characters are great and the plot lines are generally interesting. What, do people want more fights, car chases, and explosions?
I don’t care if they have to bring in Justin Bieber as Olivia and Peter’s alt-universe love child to attract a wider audience, just keep this show on the air.
Um…not for them to take a two-month hiatus? That’s definitely not the way to go if you’re trying not only to keep an audience but build upon it. It might work for a show like Grey’s Anatomy (I swear that show’s creator has the goods on someone important at the network) but not a quirky Friday night show.
I’ll be sad if it is canceled, but it renewal has seemed like a long shot every damn season, so it won’t be one of those cancellations that leave me both sad and shocked.
If you’re talking about the recent hiatus, they’ve had three and a half seasons to build a loyal following. Before every season there’s talk about if it will come back or not. It’s seemed troubled from the beginning.
The timeslot doesn’t help. Friday is a terrible night for Fox shows, and it’s on the same time as two other shows that appeal to similar demographics, Supernatural and Grimm.
Personally I think its more than that. I’ve been a fan since about middle of season 2, and this season? Well, its just… Meh.
[spoiler]They’ve merged universes right? Yet, the alterverse has barely featured at all, far less than in season 3. I think altolivia has appeared in like 2 episodes and not for long. They stretched the Peter thing out far too long, and left us floundering. To me, this season above any time perhaps except early in season 1, I’ve got not real wish to sit through another standalone episode where they march out a bit of plot progression in the last 2 minutes again, and while I get these Olivias and Walter are different from the others, I don’t actually like this Walter much at all. He’s like the bad one without the charm…
Theres so many things they could have done, Lincoln hasn’t even met his other self, people who died in either universe could be back (but I guess that would be far too exciting), still have no idea what Nina is up to in this universe (original seasons inferred she was more sinister and at one point in a relationship with broyles). Belly, well he could be alive in both universes, is Charlie dead in the main universe?
But no. Its like the first season, without even the mystery. Theres another universe. And nothing happens with it. Its been spacefilling and wasting so many opportunities.
Reading some interviews, the cast members are happy that this new timeline explores how the different characters have different relationships with each other. We have a new way at looking at the characters, and how they look at each other.
That’s all well and good, but to be honest, to take characters that you’ve built up over a few seasons and then throw it all that away to start almost fresh…I’ve never liked it when something like this has happened in other shows or movies (not that it happens that often) and I don’t like it now.
With the exceptions of Grey’s Anatomy and The Secret Circle, Fringe was on hiatus twice as long as every other show I’m watching this season. All the others had episodes into the first week of December, mininum, and they’ve all returned sooner too, which is why Fringe has shown 7 episodes this season, and all the other shows (besides Bones, which started late due to Emily’s pregnancy) have already aired 10 or 11.
Yes, I didn’t really realise that till you’ve pointed it out, most US shows split across the season giving a kind of half finale then a hiatus. I’m not sure if anything special happened in the last episode at all…
I don’t think its treating its viewers well, last year it had 9 episodes before the break, the year before 10… Even the 20 episode 1st season had 10 before the break… Perhaps they’re cutting the shows to 15 this season like they did with Lost (spit)…