OK, just got back from a ski trip. Couple of quick notes before I start my rant proper.
- I’ve lived in the UK for 6 years. I’ve traveled all over Europe many times.
- I’ve skied in France 3 times before, been to Paris several times, and been to other parts of France multiple times as well.
- I am about as far from an ‘Ugly American’ as it gets. I don’t speak French at all well, but I do try, and I am always very polite when brutalizing someone else’s language.
- I am a big guy (6’4" and 220lbs) and always have been.
- I am a good skiier, and go to ski resorts to Ski, not to party or act stupid.
So here’s the rant:
Why the fuck are the French so stupidly arrogant, unhelpful, rude, ugly, stinky, miserable cunts all the time? No one else in the world, or at least the parts I’ve been to, are such assholes, or so cocky without any reason to be.
Incident 1:
Three of us are sitting at a table for 8 just outside a snack bar. We’re waiting for members 4,5, and 6 of our group, and one of us has gone to use the loo. Young man walks up, MOVES our ski kit off of one seat, doesn’t say a word, then sits down. Just as I am saying something to him, the rest of his fucking clan of mutants (5 of them) take the other available seats. When I ask them to move, politely, saying we are waiting for our friends, they start babbling French at us; my mate who speaks some French asks them again, and gets a blank look and a flat refusal to move.
Incident 2:
At a SKI resort, called Les Arcs 1950, owned by Interwest and somewhat resembling a Walt Disney version of an Alpine resort, we went to 6 different restauraunts at 12:30 in our ski kit and none of them would serve us. Sample conversation:
Girlfriend asks them ‘can you seat 4’ in French.
Hostess says ‘two minutes’
Girlfriend gets the rest of us to walk up the stairs from the bar (What fucking pinhead built this place? Restaurant up two flights of stone stairs in a SKI RESORT? Have these fucking idiots actually never worn ski boots?) including one of our group of 4 who has just done serious injury to his Achilles tendon in an accident and is clearly limping. NO ONE lets us past; we have to wait for mobs - none of whom are wearing ski kit IN A FUCKING SKI RESORT! - go skipping past us and pushing us out of their way on the stairs
Ask hostess how long now? And are told - we are fully booked. No sorry, no apologies. When Girlfriend has a bit of a go and says ‘you said two minutes!’ hostess says ‘i meant two minutes to deal with the other lady before you, before I could tell you we’re fully booked.’ Mate who speaks some French has a go and tells bimbette the hostess that our friend walked up the stairs with an injury. She just shrugs and walks away. I’ve never been so close to doing violence in a public place as that fucking minute.
This is after two other restaurants who refused to seat us because they ‘were full’ in spite of clearly having tables available and one restaurant that refused to seat us because we were WEARING SKI KIT IN A SKI RESORT!
Incident 3:
On the TGV from Bourg to Paris, idiot the 4th is in charge of the bar car. I wait 40 minutes as he takes his leisurely time setting up his little domain perfectly. I wait patiently while he serves the queue in front of me. I say in my best broken French ‘un cafe au lait and du pain au chocolat s’vous plait’. He starts making me two hot chocolates. I say - pardon, m’sieur, I asked for 2 pain au chocolate and un cafe au lait. He says ‘wei’. He then serves me 2 hot chocolates and a coffee with no milk. I say, in English, NO - that is not what I asked for, and have to literally hold up the pain au chocolat on the counter, hold up 2 fingers, then ask for milk. He spoke English to the two women in front of me, as well. He then attempts to charge me again for the pain au chocolat, and I say no, I have already paid more than that at which point he slaps a 5 Euro note ON TOP OF MY FUCKING FOOD! and turns to the next customer.
Incident 4:
Apparently, a 6’4" bloke with a ski bag in bright red, a snowboard bag in black, a red and black rucksack, and a bright orange jacket becomes invisible to the asshole French. I was shoved out of the way, stepped on, and shouted at simply getting into the queue to board the Eurostar. When I finally turned to one asshole who had just shoved me out of the way and asked him ‘Am I fucking invisible or something?’ I felt a little bit better, but I still found myself imagining fondly the idiot being beaten to death with skiis for being so ghod-damn rude.
This is it - I will never take the fucking Eurostar again (it’s bad enough they moved the bloody thing all the way across the other side of London from me), and if the Girlfriend forces me to go to France ever again, I will drive. At least then I will be insulated from the vast majority of the smelly, rude, arrogant, stupid, assholes who seem to populate the bulk of France. But the point is - there are far better places I will spend my money in the future populated with people I actually enjoy getting to know about their culture. The French can take their biggest, crustiest stick of stale bread and shove it sideways up their snobby arrogant stupid asses.