Leave Us Abuse The French.......

Oh, where can I begin?!?!

Those poodle humping, paint smearing, neighbor’s wife fucking, chain smoking, grape stomping, wine sucking, snail-scarfing, Nazi collaberating , supercilious BASTARDS!!!

The Yahoo auction thing isn’t all. Oh, no.

Their wine. In the 1908’s, the US Department of Agriculture raised Cain over what they found in so-called premium French wines. Anti-freeze. Battery acid. The stomach acid of sheep!!! :eek: :rolleyes: And when we banned the offending manufacturers from selling the stuff in the US, the FRENCH GOVERNMENT COMPLAINED!!! We were “zee obnoxious Ameri’cains”. :mad:

They have a beat-up, trashy old aircraft carrier that should have been towed away as a potential threat to navigation years ago; which they regard as reason for pride. They boast pointlessly of their military prowness. But they paid tribute to Libya(sp?)!!!

No major scientists, poets or artists since the 19th century.

And the snotty attitude!

We should give Poland a quarter to beat up France behind the building after school, just to teach them a lesson. (If we do it ourselves , they may get the screwy idea that they’re important.)

Post your own accounts of the natural stupidity, treachery & malfeasance of the Gauls right here (step right up; don’t push, don’t crowd, we got all day…)

Correction—"Their wine. In the 1980’s, "

Bosta, the 1980’s wine scandal was about Austrian wine. Not French. Sure, the French are assholes, but they have enough disasters to point out. No need to fabricate some more.

They are smelly!!!

How about a link so we know you’re not full of obnoxious Ameri’cain?

Gee, and your attitude is clearly that of a humanitarian with a set agenda for improving the French! I would LIKE to think there are some Americans who don’t have such views of the French as yours appears to be. Now, as for your claim of no scientists, poets or artists . . .

Ever heard of a guy named Claude Monet? I think it’s pretty safe to say he was an artist, as he was one of those who LED the impressionist movement. A good deal of his best work came in THIS century, friend. [Here’s a link on the man](http://search.britannica.com/search?query=Claude Monet&exact&ref=askjeeves) and a link to the Louvre, at which you’ll probably find a good deal of 20th century French art.

[Albert Camus](http://search.britannica.com/search?query=Albert Camus&exact&ref=askjeeves) wasn’t a poet, but he was a pretty good writer . . . or so the Nobel people thought, as he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his work “L’Etranger”.

Again, not a poet, but [Jean-Paul Sartre](http://search.britannica.com/search?query=jean-paul sartre&exact&ref=askjeeves) is certainly on the map of 20th century philosophers and writers . . . I am under the impression he was French.

If you want some more literary links, here’s an article on French poets, whoseworks you could probably look up at ask.com.

You want science? How about [Henri Becquerel[/ur] and [url=“http://search.britannica.com/search?query=pierre curie&exact&ref=askjeeves”]Pierre Curie](http://search.britannica.com/search?query=henri becquerel&exact&ref=askjeeves)? Or Prince Louis-Victor de Broglie, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1929? Those are just a few.

Anything else you’d like to proclaim with nothing to back you up?

On the down side:

Snide arrogant supercilious…

Primarily responsible for existentialism and cubism.

An utterly incomprehensible aura of military glory (elan!! cran!!) despite the fact that they are second only to the Italians as the butt-boys of Europe!

Personal hygiene…let us draw a veil o’er that subject, to protect our genteel and impressionable youth. Arab camel-drivers bath more often, and they don’t have any damn water!

“French is the language of diplomacy” Of zee craven sucking-up, mais non? necessary when fucking Belgium could kick your butt if they could stay awake long enough!

Cuisine, my ASS! They got cooks who’s sole purpose the is production of 200 varietys of bland, insipid gravy! They take great care to keep the mayonaise out of sight, but you can’t hide your lyonaisse!

On the up side

They invented oral sex.

So I say we let 'em live. We can always pick on Canada!

Iampunha Sez:“Ever hear of Claude Monet?”

I would remind him that Monet is the root of all evil.

the love of Monet is the root of all evil.

Actually, I find myself with Coldfire wondering “What in the world prompted this?”

The occasional nasty crack about the ability of the French to surrender to anyone with a mean look is one thing, but a whole thread on the subject?

FWIW, when I travelled France (during the height of some of the “get U.S. out of Vietnam” protests) I was treated cordially by nearly every French citizen I met. (The single exception was a railroad conductor, but those power-hungry twits treat the French with disdain.) I was never attacked for being an American or for being a young vagabond or even for simply not being French. My experiences include being told I could not have a hotel room because it had not been made up correctly, then being ushered into a larger room with a double bed and a private shower and being charged the same 10F that I had agreed upon for the smaller room the night before.

I am sure that individuals can point out bad experiences that they have had, but I can point to numerous bad experiences I have had all through the States (including places reeking of “Southern Charm”).

Let’s let this one die.

BTW, using “leave” when one means “let” is a particularly egregious violation of English grammar.

Actually, Kierkegaard was primarily responsible for existentialism; Sartre was responsible for nihilism, a disreputable variant popular among suicidal fourteen-year-old boys.

My experience in France during the VietNam era was somewhat different from Tom’s, though not universally. In Paris the treatment afforded to the shy, geeky, culture-shocked teenager I was then averaged out to rude. (A man heard me speaking drawling “American” to my friend, turned and spit on me as he passed on the sidewalk. FWIW, he didn’t look crazy, but I was too shocked to understand his snarled comment. This was the most extreme example, but rudeness was the norm.) But folks outside of Paris were generally very polite, and many downright cordial.

The French confound me because of their rabid insularity. Theirs is such a vital culture to find threats and offense in (to me) odd things; and so many things at that.

French cooking is fabulous, but so is Chinese, Thai, etc. The classic haute coutere is pretty passe any more. Finland (I think) won the Bocuse D’or, and an American (gasp!) won the blind taste test for baguettes. Even the gorgeous French language is being smothered under a belljar to keep it “pure”.

The most I’ll say is that type of insularity suprises me in such a vivid, vital culture.


When in Paris, the treatment I received from the Parisians never dropped below deferential. This may have been helped by two things: 1) being Canadian, and 2) speaking fluent French.

When I was in France some years ago I was always looking for the snobbish French people we’re always warned about. I didn’t find them. I did find lots of American tourists who spoke little to no French. I knew French, and my father is fluent. My entire family studied or studies the stuff in grade and high school and I may minor in it.

A lot of people here have complained that those who are not native to this country come here and don’t speak the language, yet expect preferential treatment. The same can be said for those who go to a foreign country and don’t know the language. And don’t try, and don’t see the problem with it. Granted, for big tourist attractions there should be bilingual tours and such, but if you’re going to a market don’t expect the guy to speak English. It goes both ways.

LOL, Sacred Bleu! the OP was funny.

My experience. I call overseas a lot. When I get the wrong number in France I get hung up on, not kidding you. When I get the wrong number in Italy or Germany they don’t do that. I know there was a reason why they made that cartoon skunk French.

why are we bothering with this? It is not like “le froggies” could manage to actually operate a computer and the internet work to get to this site, nor, if they had help from some German to do so, could they even READ it.

And matt, I have it on good authority that the only thing the french despise worse than Americans is french-canadians.

If you’re going to make a joke, at least get it right. It should be “les froggies” because froggies is plural.

And it would seem, with the recent thread on the Yahoo deal in France, that not only do they have the internet and computers, they can read English. They might need the Babelfish translator do enable them to read it, but they’d manage. Why would they require a German to help them?

And Matt said he was canadian, not french-canadian.

Well, I don’t think Matt is French-Canadian, but if I am not incorrect, he does speak Canadian French.

I was in France for 5 days in 1998. I stayed with friends of my family who used to live in the US. They were very nice, as were all their friends I was introduced to. I speak absolutely no French whatsoever, but had a sort of built in translator (my friend, who happens to be an English major). I endured no rudeness, only a slight surprise that I had never studied French. (Hey, I’m from California. Hablabamos español aquí.) Most French people I encountered seemed okay with practicing their English on me, and at least once, was able to have a nice conversation with someone in Spanish.

However - and maybe it’s just because I was in Paris, I didn’t go anywhere else - I didn’t really think that France was all that cool. Paris was brown and gray and not particularly beautiful. It wasn’t terrible or anything, but I was kind of underwhelmed. IMO, Rome is a much more beautiful city.

Well, if the French show their hatred and contempt with courtesy and deference, then I suppose you’re right, Daniel.

(Kyla and iam: vous avez raison.)

My source; My Fiance’s Mother, who teaches french and English in Montreal. But she was specific only re Quebecoi. (sp?)

Um, it also doesn’t seem to have affected my Québécois-pure-laine-de-souche-tissé-tricoté ex-boyfriend, who has spent a great deal of time in France. So that’s two to one.