Fuck MSN!

So I go ahead and sign up with you, because ya made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. You knew I would go for the gift card, so I could buy my surround system. I just had to sign a term contract. No problem.

That is, until you decided that my surfing habits don’t constitute an important enough connection to maintain. Thus, you drop my fucking ass every 15 minutes. I’m chatting on AIM, playing Paradise Poker, and checking stuff on IMDB at the same time, and I still get dropped. What do I have to do? Browse the Microsoft Knowledge Database non-stop while reading every article at msnbc.com and emailing my entire family simultaneously?

Yeah, yeah I asked for it. I’m paying $21.95/month to get dropped whenever I stop frequenting Microsoft-related web content for half a second. I should have known MSN would be a mistake, nearly as bad as AOL. I’d go somewhere else, but I’m roped in for another year. So fuck you, MSN. Fuck you up your stupid virtual ass.

(And for the love of everything that is holy, please do not rate this rant. I know it’s lame, and that it’s been done, blah blah blah…shut up, OK? I’m venting. I just hope I can post before I get dro…)

Did you try calling tech support?

I know how you feel. I did the same thing three years ago but with Prodigy. My contract is up at the end of July though. I can finally stop paying for both dial-up and RoadRunner.

I have always steered clear of these deals where you sign up for a set amount of time. Some ISPs suck, and you won’t know it until you’ve had them for a month or two. Therefore, I want the option of leaving anytime I want.

Of course, I was stupid and cemented my EarthLink (and Mindspring) email addresses with everyone, so I am loathe to get rid of them. But I could, if I wanted to. But not yet.

I have heard bad things about MSN—but even if I was interested in signing up with them, I couldn’t. They don’t take Macs. Boo hoo hoo. I feel so left out.

Calling MSN tech support is a mistake. The last time I did that, there was a whole minute where I couldn’t come up with a sentence that didn’t focus on the words “kill you”.

I just bought a new computer and was offered $200 off the price if I signed up with MSN for 24 months. It’s a great deal, or at least it sounds like one. Thankfully I did not accept the offer and instead took the 6 months free offer to try it out. I don’t think I’ll be signing up anytime soon :slight_smile:

I just ran out my free year with MSN and will probably stay with them for a while longer. I’ve NEVER been kicked off (this was a daily occurrence with AOL). I’m surprised you are having that much trouble. In fact, I think they were voted as the easiest provider to cancel out of. Of course, I’m not as much of a surfer as you sound to be. That sucks, though.

Yep, fuck 'em! Up their stupid virtual fucking ass with a virtual fucking razorblade-encrusted telephone pole-sized dildo! I can’t wait to dump those assholes!

One word-broadband