Fuck saving dumb ass ice fisherman

Every year a lot of people do a lot of stupid (and often illegal) things. Emergency services are there for exactly that reason. If you set your house on fire making fireworks in the living room, the fire department will put it out. If you snort a bunch of coke that turns out to heroin, the EMTs will give you Narcan and take you to the hospital. If you make an illegal turn and rear end a parked car, the police will help you sort it out.

Emergency services aren’t there just to provide help for people that you deem deserving of it. They’re there for everyone.

And, again, in many areas it’s normal for people to go ice fishing. I can all but guarantee many of the police and fire/rescue personal have underwater rescue/SCUBA training and often have gear in the vehicle just to deal with these things. It’s part of life when you live near water…which these places are. Don’t forget, when the lake isn’t frozen, there’s still people swimming, boating, jetskiing etc on it.

A frozen lake in the dead of winter with dozens of vehicles and ice shanties on it is very common around here. And, yes, the lake will swallow one or two of them. Usually near the beginning or end of the season.

Based on every example you have listed above, the person that deliberately did the fucked up, illegal thing should be left out on there own. These are not accidents.

I’m glad you’re not part of the emergency services in my area. 'round here, if you have an emergency, they’ll rescue you and ask questions later.

I feel better knowing that if I do something that you decide is fucked up, illegal and/or deliberate, the EMTs will still help me. Not leave me to die.

That’s a messed up attitude to have.

Oh, and they’ll also pull you out of the water if you fall through the ice. I know you feel that dumb ass ice fisherman also don’t deserve to be saved.

That’s not the way to administer justice. The courts can impose restitution at a later date if they think its warranted.

That is a great way to administer justice. Eliminate the problem from happening again.

How would that work, anyhow? Before the fire department puts out a fire or pulls someone out of a frozen lake, would it determine if it was a genuine accident or the person did a fucked up, illegal thing? Doesn’t it make more sense to put out the fire or rescue the drowning person in the frozen lake first and then, if necessary, conduct an investigation as to the cause? And then, if there is a finding of criminal negligence or worse, charges can be brought against the suspect.

OP is an idiot. Consistently.

And you love to come and spend time with me. So fuck you dipshit mother fucker.

Some things are obvious.

Yes. Yes, they are.

isn’t the op one of the people who asked why do the emts bother to save drug od’s a while back?
and I think this isn’t the first time ops made a thread like this ….

Just to point and laugh.

Smartest thing you’ve ever posted.

Point and laugh at yourself you stalking fucking.

Give this person a treat. I did. Great memory.

You didn’t learn English at UC, did you?

Thats quite a watered-down, dare I say utterly ridiculous understanding of “stalking”. This is a messageboard. People post threads, which others read and sometimes contribute their own posts to. I expend basically zero mental energy contributing to your idiot hatefests, so why not? Maybe you’ll go away. If not, hey, whatevs.

My apologies. Stalking fucker, you fucking asshole.

Fuck off, fucker.

Sick burn,
