Fuck you, pkbites

As someone who has usually thought well of you (and I understand that you’re in a mood currently here you could give a flying ***k about other people’s opinons of you) I don’t think that’'s what most people are wound up about. The question(s) surrounding the notion of whether homosexuality is “normal” or not and wheter we should accept or reject that proposition are sufficient to launch a thousand threads all by themselves and people are going to think what they will.

I think what most of the pkbites friendly members of this board including myself) are most confused about is your stated intention to shun members of your extended family who are gay. This is your perfect right but it is also petty, obnoxious and unbecoming behavior. It’s. just .bad. form. and quite frankly confusing behavior from someone we had a different metal picture of.

And you are completely right to the extent, that in real world terms that is not your problem but ours, and we will have to adjust out overall picture of you to accomodate this new dimension of pkbites. Fine. Done. Be happy.

Yeah, that’s not nice. IMO it’s not nice to shun your gay relative (Uncle, is it?). That’s bound to be causing some conflict in the family circle. That’s bad form, as astro says.

But if you want to deprive the rest of the gay population of your company, I don’t think that’s a problem. I mean, really - who wants to hang around someone who can barely tolerate them? If PK tastefully and discreetly is able to avoid the social company of gay people, that sounds a-OK to me. The society of gay people is all the better for it. And, after all, pk is not compelled or required to spend time with anyone he doesn’t want to spend time with. That’s how it works. We don’t get to choose his friends for him.

And as far as having you opinion about gay people, pk, you are perfectly entitled to it. I am really big on people being entitled to having any thoughts they want. But when they start manifesting these thoughts into action (and we see no evidence that you are doing that) THAT is a problem.

When you spout your opinions (like you have here) you are bound to ruffle feathers. You are perfectly entitled to express your opinion, but I wonder - what was the point? Were you trying to educate or enlighted this crowd? I cannot think so. You were expressing your opinions for the sake of expressing your opinion. Your right, but I see no “upside”. All you have done is to get some people to lose respect for you - I doubt anyone will all of a sudden think “That pkbites has got it right! I’m seeing things his way now!.”

To me, it’s not the opinions that matter so much (we all have wacky or unpopular opinions) it’s the unfettered blabbing of them that cause a problem. If someone is smart enough to know that their (“wacky”) opinion is going to hurt/ruffle feathers, why not just keep their yap shut? It’s fine to still keep the opinions, just be more discreet about when they share these opinions. Works for me.

And you didn’t call me? Slut, whore, bitch. Oh wait, I was at the lesbian potluck.

Anyway, pkbites can lick my shit-caked ass. I really don’t fucking care anymore. There are hateful people everywhere. What am I to do? Be myself, that’s all. That involves helping others who are in the same situation(s) that I was, once upon a time. Hence my volunteering for Project 10. Better to give those kids something good, rather than to let them deal with the invariable hate that people like pkbites wants them to be subject to.


And you didn’t call me? Slut, whore, bitch. Oh wait, I was at the lesbian potluck.

Anyway, pkbites can lick my shit-caked ass. I really don’t fucking care anymore. There are hateful people everywhere. What am I to do? Be myself, that’s all. That involves helping others who are in the same situation(s) that I was, once upon a time. Hence my volunteering for Project 10. Better to give those kids something good, rather than to let them deal with the invariable hate that people like pkbites wants them to be subject to.


No, you’re right, I don’t have a girlfriend.:frowning:

My wife won’t let me have one!:stuck_out_tongue:

She’s quite amused at how upset some are getting at the barefoot and pregnant remark. Her parents (both Catholics and Itallian imigrants to boot) Taught her well: That her most important role as a woman is to take care of her husband and have babies. She doesn’t work outside the house either. I’m man enough to support my family without having to send my woman out to slave away. How many of you can say that?

I’m curious pk YOu’ve stated that homosexuality grosses you out, specifying the man putting another man’s penis in his mouth, or having another man stick his penis up the anus.

NOw, is it the action that grosses you out? ie, the concept that a penis might be in a mouth or an anus? 'cause then, ya know (confidentially) you might want to start avoiding a significant number of females, too.

Or is it the gender of the fact that they both have penises? What of the man who only recieves oral gratification from whomever - how does he rank on your gross-o-meter?

What if they only used their hands? or do you find the concept of a male grasping a penis to be gross?

ANd one other question - as long as they’re not talking about it or doing it in front of you, isn’t it true that the only reason it’s in your head is 'cause of your thoughts?.

See, the thing is, there’s all sorts of things I may find gross, unattractive ‘ewwwww’. I remember the first time I realized that my parents had had sex. I scrubbed my brain for a week w/bleach to rid myself of the mental picture, and (here’s the good idea), didn’t bother to think about it again.

I guess I don’t spend a whole hellava lot of time in my day imagining what other people do for their sexual amusement**. YM obviously varies.

**unless, of course, I find it to be a pleasant image…

You lose. When do I get my 10 bux?

Well, I’m glad that your wife is amused, if she really is. We can’t know that as our only outlet to her is through what you post. But anyway, I must say that I am disturbed at your superior tone and limited view of things. I get the sense that you are being serious with this whole barefoot and preggers thing among other things that you have posted, and I’m quite disturbed that you think that women working outside of the home are “slaving” away. Even if I had a husband who could support me so I didn’t have to work, I would still want a career. I’m sure that there are plenty of women out there who feel the same. And I’m sure there are plenty of families out there that can’t afford to live off of one income. That doesn’t make those fathers and husbands who have wives who work outside the home OR those wives and mothers who have husbands who stay at home and take care of the family while they go out and work any less of men or women. I’m glad that in your world things are so simple, but the world is a little more complex. This notion that women are most “womanly” when they’re wives and mothers is extremely flawed. But that’s my opinion.

That’s funny. I thought I had duties as a human being, not as a woman.

Ohhh, that’s right. Some guy called Paul said a bunch of stuff that made some men think I’m automatically “weaker” because I’m a woman.

Well, I suppose I’ll be going to hell, since I’m going to have a career and I am NOT going to be birthing children.

I guess I’m “woman” enough to realize that a woman can do whatever she wants, be it being a SAHM or a doctor or whatever. I guess I’m “woman” enough to realize that making more money than my future husband won’t damage his ego at all. I guess I’m “woman” enough to realize that the world needs me as a clinical psychologist.

I guess I’m “human” enough to realize you’re very much entitled to your opinions, pkbites, but geez Louise.

Oh wait, I’m bisexual. That’s right, it doesn’t matter what I think.

Those three words are what REALLY freak me out about that post.

" Yo, pkbites! I’m a big old flaming cocksucker! There are two hot guys upstairs in bed right now waiting for my attentions! (True, the Goddess be praised.)"

And you’re POSTING instead of being with them?

Priorities, matt, priorities!

I take back what I said about your religion not requiring you to witness. I still think I like you, but maybe don’t respect you as much as I did.

Make that I definitely don’t respect you as much as I did.

Fucking fundamentalist. And I mean that in a non-religious way.

That’s very jingle-ish. I like it.

Otherwise, your posted opinion can be added to the 20,000 or so others on here, duly noted, etc etc. It was a great subject for the Pit though, and that’s what counts.

Dryga, scott, punha: I did, okay? They were trying to nap. The poor dears, they were worn right out. Anyway, after I finished posting, things started moving right along again.

Heh…I was going to post something about there being poor gay men starving for sex in Pennsylvania and you’re posting to a message board instead of taking advantage of a situation, but I’ll refrain. :smiley:


pkbites, I commend you for being a beacon of moral truth in this Godless age. As I repeatedly point out to my sister

Regrettably, my sister and her boyfriend persist in regarding me as an idiot.

Slut. Bitch. Whore. Over a billion served. :stuck_out_tongue:

No more vintage metro maps for you!

Now, can we get back to ripping pkbites a new asshole?

  • s.e.

Well, darling, don’t hate me because I’m successful.

Or: nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah. :stuck_out_tongue:


And why should I want to rip pkbites a new asshole? If this is the way he feels about homosexuality, he’s obviously not making best use of the one he has already got.

By jove, I think I’ll go out and suck a cock in pk’s honor!


Oh, that was actually funny. In fact, it was the first/only funny slam on this thread so far.
But keep in mind, tomorrow is April 15. I’m going to get fucked in the ass by Uncle Sam. That thought will probably make some of you happy.