"Fucking carpet munchers, you should've been put down at birth"

With a shotgun. Or a brick to the face. Either/or.

(Okay, maybe not, but Christ, people like this piss me right the fuck off.)

As long as I live, I’ll never understand why some people live to break the peace by being a jerk.

If the bar tender owner whatever wouldn’t kick the guy out, why on God’s green Earth did you stay? I would have turned to the owner and said, “look, if you wont stop this idiot from spewing at at your patrons, I can’t sit here and enjoy myself. You’ve lost our business for good, sir” and walked out.

Heh, or just said that he’s cutoff that I would no longer serve him and that the establishment is for customers only.

Dangit, why do ya gotta go and make so much sense? :smiley:

In all seriousness, though, I agree that the OP should have spoken with the pub owner and told him that she would no longer be repeating her business with them if he didn’t throw the man out.

Totally. They could make him a deal. Throw that cunt out now, and we won’t walk out. In fact we’ll have a fondness for your Pub and tell our friends how nice the folks at that ran the Pub were. He can even come back some other time as long as he keeps his drunkass mouth shut. So, you can weigh the business of me and everyone I will ever talk to about this incident against his business.

Wow, SanVito, that really sucks!
It was probably ten years ago when my (lesbian) sister and her partner showed up for work at a pizza place my sister managed/manages, and her partner worked for her at the time; when they got there, someone had spray-painted a big sign on the loading dock doors: “DYKES GO HOME!”

They felt violated, and I can totally understand why.

I thought we had come a long way since then, but apparently, not in all circumstances. :frowning:

What does “carpet muncher” mean?

Surely this is something that if you think about it hard enough, you will get it.

"Aperture Science.
We do what we must because we can.
For the good of all of us
Except the ones who are dead.

“But there’s no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake…”


Damn right put down… put down on each other! AAAAOOOOOOWWW! Giggedy!

Same as “carpet licker.” This South Park link explains it starting about 18 seconds in. :smiley:

Is “nail his cock to a garbage truck” a reference to a movie or show?

I agree the guy should have been thrown out, but then, with crazy bigots, you never know. He could have been lurking in drunken anger for them to walk out of the pub and start shit with them outside. On the bright side, that’s a possible scary bullet dodged. I wish patrons had said something to him though. I would have. What an ass. Was he an older guy? As more bigots like him die off, the world will be a better place. Bigots may still win the occasional battle, but most of them have no idea that their war is totally lost. They’ll soon find out.

I’m willing to bet the guy’s wife left him.

For a woman.

Right, it means rug muncher. I hear they are equally fond of boxes.


I believe we have a winner! The guy’s still an asshole though.

Am I the only person who originally thought this thread was another obnoxious children in restaurants thread?

As it stands, well deserved outrage, and I trust the nailing will be done with the object no longer attached to the moron.

No. But I did think it could be a misguided rant against gays.

I’d like to know what people have against garbage collectors. Can you imagine the mess they’d have to clean up? I know they’re used to messes but there is a limit. Messy bleeding bigots and their messy bleeding bigot cocks must be the absolute worst.

No, you’re thinking of carpet monsters, also known as rugrats or yardapes.