Fucking Texan Redneck

Ugh, fuck you!
I’m from the Houston area and about every one in three cars has an American flag hung on it somewhere. I was on the freeway today and this dumb ass red neck in a jacked up extended cab F350 piece of shit cuts me off. And what does he have all over his truck? Texas flags! I’m not saying it’s bad to have state pride (although it’s quite annoying in the south), but I think it takes an insensitive shit head to pull off waving four Texas flags from his truck at a time like this. Yeah, we Texans will take care of everything. Ugh. Only in Texas.

Why are you bitching about the flags? Bitch about him cutting you off. That’s the REAL issue, as far as I can see.

And my car is plastered with many Yosemite National Park bumper stickers. Why? Because I like it there. I’m sure this guy feels the same way about Texas. So what? Why do you care? This guy isn’t trying to plaster your car with Texas flags, is he? So what’s it to you?

Why? Why aren’t the people from the South allowed to be proud of their states, just like everyone else?

How do you know for sure that he hasn’t always been Mr. Super Texan, and has always had these flags on his car? And once again, what’s the big deal? Texas is part of the USA, right? It isn’t like he’s got a bumper sticker saying that “God Hates America” or something equally vile. So I am not sure why you are offended merely because some stranger chooses to adorn his own vehicle with a bunch of state flags. :confused:


I would comment further but yosmitebabe said it pretty well.


I would guess from your reply that y’all have limited experience with this particular sort of Texan. I’ve noticed that living in Austin, Dallas, or Houston, one often forgets. Our reaction to the destruction of the WTC was to buy ammunition. You know why? Not because we were afraid of terrorists, but because we feared martial law. Let me rephrase that: A significant number of Texans believe that the Federal government is a greater threat to their lives than organized bands of homicidal lunatics. Not only that, but that the solution to this threat requires a greater-than-average quantity of ammunition. In a time that we need more than ever to have a serious national discourse, this man is still caught up in local issues, and likely some serious personal issues wit’ them dadblamed fed’ral gummint folks a-tryin’ to cur-tail his raight to spit chewin’ terbaccy, whip his wife 'n chillen, and shoot uppity nigras. Live in a small Texas town for a few years. You’ll agree pretty damned quick, especially if you’re not a male Anglo-Saxon fundamentalist with rightist political leanings.

In my experience, Texas state pride is somehow distinct from Southern state pride. Texas has it’s own take on EVERYTHING. I lived there for ten years, and I’m in Georgia now, and they’re really not the same at all. I wouldn’t call Texas Southern, really.

Wednesday I saw that one guy at school who had a LARGE Confederate flag flying in the bed of his truck had traded it in for a LARGE US flag. At least he figured out that it’s the 21st century…sigh

Also, FLORIDA IS NOT THE SOUTH! IT’S NOT! starts screaming incoherently

Um, thank you.

A agree with the Texans. I think the Federal government is the real enemy. When they start striking words from the dictionary because you can use doubleplus rather than extra or more, you’ll understand that too.


No, it’s only the southernmost state in the region labelled “The South” and contains one of the highest redneck populations of any state, if what I am told is true. I’ve heard this from people from Louisiana and Mississippi.


Well, what you’ve been told isn’t true. I’ve been living here for about 1 1/2 years and I can definitely say that there aren’t all that many rednecks here. Before moving here, from Cleveland, Ohio, I was preparing myself for a huge Southern culture, but it never came. Florida is more of a Northern state than a Southern state.

Trucido said:

I don’t know who makes me more nervous, you or this Texan. :rolleyes:

I hope you don’t jump to such rash conclusions about people based upon their skin color or facial features.

Take it that you haven’t been to Plant City or Inverness yet? We do have our fair share of southern mentality here.

PS: Apparently there is a little argument about the word “redneck” in this thread. Who knew it was racist? Who knew they were a race? Regardless… maybe we should look for a more PC term. :slight_smile:

I was actually impressed by the number of people that have taken down their Texas flags and put American flags up instead. In fact, I haven’t seen a Texas flag flying by itself since 9/11/01.

Who is “our?” “We?” You maybe? I didn’t buy more ammo or fear martial law. I don’t know anyone who did. I heard reports of people buying up ammo, but I can assure you that it was not limited to Texas. Hell, someone started a Pit thread about it happening in Wisconsin.

Don’t you people have something better to do than bash Texas and Texans right now?

[Homer Simpson]

Florida? That’s America’s WANG!

[/Homer Simpson]

Don’t forget the next time you’re on a two-lane that the folks that pull over to the right on the shoulder so that you can pass when you pull up behind them are Texans too. One of the state’s mottos is Drive Friendly. I’m sorry the jerk cut you off, we’re all a little frayed right now but don’t lump a whole state’s population into the bed of one asshole’s pickup.

Oh, I thought this was another Wildest Bill thread.


Let me correct my statement. Parts of Florida are very Southern. The parts I have been to are not.


And Texas is still something else.

hmm… Superdude, that seemed more like a [penny arcade][/penny arcade] situation than a [homer simpson][/homer simpson] situation.

I’m happy to hear Texas is still so full of pride. I was stationed in Texas for 3 years back in the 70s. You will not find another state with so much pride in itself. I hated it when I first got there, but I missed it after I left. What great people (sitting presidents excluded). They’re not southerners or westerners, they like to call themselves southwesterners, and don’t you forget it either.

Here in Florida, the rednecks like to be called crackers, and they live in the rural inland areas, where the southern twang rules the day. The cities and most beach communities are inhabited by folks with midwestern or northeastern accents - even the natives.