Fucking United Airlines

The fuckers have rearranged one of my flights from 08:50 to 06:15. Which means getting to the airport at some ungodly early hour. I am NOT a morning person.

This is the first pitting of an airline for being early I’ve ever seen. :smiley:

Maybe you’d prefer to be … re-accommodated?

IME, those crack-of-dawn flights are usually the cheaper flights. I’m guessing the change didn’t reduce your fare at all?

nm (double post)

If they bump you to an earlier flight, do you have to pay them $800 and buy them a meal?

I don’t mind arriving early, but this means I’ll have to get up before 4 AM. I am NOT a morning person.

The way things are going you should count yourself lucky if they don’t fling you off the plane in the middle of the flight.

You’ve confused it with Soviet Russia where United Airlines fucking YOU!

I’m flying business class.

I hate that, too. My home airport is Dulles International, super busy. If you have a 6am departure from here, you have to arrive at the airport no less than 2 hours before departure, which means getting up around 3am. I once arrived about 1:45 hours prior to a domestic flight but the lines were so long that I didn’t get to check in my bags until a couple minutes after the cutoff time and the airline agents were like “toobadsosaditsnotourproblemnowfuckoff”. :mad:

and that was in August, not the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday crush time!

I think that may be the company motto. Or how they answer the phones:

“Good afternoon, United Airlines, yourproblemisnotfuckingimportant”

Don’t worry about it. 4:00am is nothing like morning. It’s the middle of the night.

Or not go to bed at all. Partayyy !

Depends on the latitude and time of year.

**No Ticket! ** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHSPf6x1Fdo

And what about that Giant Rat?