these features will operate only from within Google Earth, and will not influence the Mind-Control-Laser Satellites (MCLS)
I’d like to see an “Orbital Death-Ray Cannon” or “1920’s style Death Ray” option, maybe just a plain “La-ser”
type in the coordinates of a place you’d like to see, like, oh, lets say… micro$oft headquarters or starsucks, warm up the targeting lasers and fire, Google Earth will display the appropriate power up/firing/power down graphics and sound, then substitute a prerendered impact crater graphic on top of the target
how about control of the MCLS, causing virtual “sims” to do crazy things, like all of a sudden start dancing the Lambada, or suddenly performing a football tackle on another “sim”
control over the weather/natural disasters would be fun, how about a blizzard in the Sahara Desert, they could sure use the rain…
what fun features would you like to see added to G.E.?