funeral songs

yep, i know this ones been done before after i did a CS search for it, its here . but nobody mentioned my choice, and it was 18 months or so ago, so i thought it may be fun (ho ho) to bring it back for peoples revisions and new dopers.

my choice: electric funeral by black sabbath

or failing that, summer eyes by the young gods, because id like my family + friends to sit through a 20 minute song that pretty much defys pigeonholing.

or its all over by the god machine

Yes, We Have No Bananas.

I came in thinking this thread would be about a new Time/Life compilation album.

Time to Say Goodbye seems fitting.

Alternately, if the funeral is for your spouse, you could always play All By Myself. Of course, this might lead your spouse’s family to suspect you of murder.

Radiohead’s Motion Picture Soundtrack would be neat, if only for the end where Thom goes up into a falsetto and sings “I will seeeeeee yoooouuu… in the neeeeext liiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiife” (song disintegrates and fades out into silence)

OLD AND WISE by the Alan Parsons Project

NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN by the Moody Blues

heck, probably the entire THIS IS THE MOODY BLUES double album

I Did It My Way by Frank Sinatra