One of the stupidest things I’ve ever known anyone to videotape is this:
I know a guy who videotaped himself taking a shit! Not just sitting on the toilet… he held the camera in front of himself and lifted his balls so you could see the shit come out of his ass and fall into the toilet. He even set the camera on infra-red so you could see it better. He titled it “The Deed”. It only lasts about 10 seconds but is still pretty sick. How warped do you have to be to videotape something like that!
I believe that Sony actually had a few problems with this particular feature, in that if the situation was correct (lighting, fabric, etc), the recorded image actually allowed the viewer to see through people’s clothing!
While I never witnessed this, a co-worker brought a camera with this feature into worked and I got to play with it. You can see a lot of neat effects with it.
Regarding the OP, I took an experimental video class in college, and the professor was extremely relaxed in regards to the projects. People would videotape themselves eating or sleeping, doing nothing unusual. Andy Warhol be damned! And the professor than proceeded to tell us that we could grade our own work! Never before has a class had a higher collective GPA for producing such low quality work. (I got an A minus, myself. I figured that everyone has room for improvement.)