(Old) Funny things you overheard in the MMP

I initially misunderstood that he needed the blanket, because something something concrete guys, and … yeah.
I thought maybe he rolled in wet concrete!

Good call.

I mean, I knew today was Palm Sunday, but I’d be a little sad if I didn’t get one of those tiny little quarter spiral hams this week, and I sorta hadn’t made the connection.

Speaking of ham, I ate a decent amount of rather varied solid fud today:

  • two mini chicken tacos (there’s an employee-only stash in the freezer, and if you don’t think there isn’t a hidden stash of interesting yummies in pretty much every restaurant and diner out there, well … heh.)
  • a single piece of perch (we got back in stock a new-to-me, supposedly better type that we apparently used to carry, and well … there was an extra piece. Briefly. 'Twas quite nice.)
  • a grape Popsicle (okay, that doesn’t count as food, but hey - appetite!)
  • a chili pizza. So this one was new to me; Sweet Manager brought some of her mom’s homemade chili, and after some brief inner thought, decided to experiment. Small dough crust heaped with chili and shredded Cheddar, some diced onion … then she sorta half-tucked the edges of the dough up and around to hold it all in, and … went for it.
    Friends, it was wonderful. Very tasty chili (go, boss’s mom!) and the dough got really crispy and made a perfect crunchy texture contrast, like a whole lil’ bowl of chili served on its own personal cracker.

Now I need to keep up that eatin’ momentum on my day off, when I historically backslide.

… and speaking of food in general, a shout-out to my man in the red pickup who ordered the fried steak nuggets and a full slab of ribs.
And nothing else.
I was like, “You ain’t vegetarian, huh?”