Mornin all. And a happy new MMP to all. I awoke early, 5am here / 8am eastern. Now 30 minutes later I’m caffinatin’ and typin’ while it’s still 90 minutes to dawn at 7am. Presently 49/9 here on the way to 66/19 and 74/23 at home on the way to 90/32. Few clouds at either end of the country. My timing sucks a bit; Florida was on a warm spell over the weekend and will be cooler this week than last.
Leaving for Mazatlán in 2 weeks, so may have one more weekend trip in me before then. Otherwise chillax locally near home and maybe get serious about planning furniture for my cool bachelor pad.
As to y’all …
From last night …
“Sleet” is the term of art. Also known to NWS geeks as “snow pellets” if larger or “snow grains” if smaller.
Dippin’ Dots are still made and sold. Often seen in airports and amusement parks. I can’t say I’ve seen them in grocery stores or a free-standing ice cream parlor in years though.
Here’s the important comment: Welcome back Shoe! You had all of us worried about you. I expect whatever was your issue isn’t gone, just subsided a bit. Anything we can do to improve matters?
Yeah. Substitute “selfish”, “thoughtless”, “oblivious”, “willfully ignorant”, “dishonest”, “short-sighted”, or any of another dozen words in that general direction and Carlin’s Comment remains depressingly true. And not just in the tautological mathematical sense. There’s a lot of leverage for trouble-making at the more outlier ends of each of those parameters.
And from today’s MMP …
FCM that sounds like a work-filled day, but one that should have a real feeling of accomplishment and “closure” (not one of my favorite words) at the end. An empty apartment is soo much better than an almost-empty apartment. Best of luck and we’ll be thinking of you.
Last night I ate a Jamaican jerk chicken street taco with rice in it. Served by a Mexican lady. Does that count? An incongruous combo in form, but familiar and yummy in taste.
Hippie that’s a fine quilt you’ve got started. Wonderful colors and workmanship. Had to be frustrating to have that long a layoff.
Funny overheard story time. …
A few years ago while late wife was semi-healthy we often took late afternoon or early evening walks on the sidewalk along the nearby beach. As did many other people, and the public beach was well used, so lots of opportunity to see, be seen, and most importantly, to overhear.
It’s late enough the sun is low and the beach is emptying as people are packing up to go home. We come upon a late 20s mom, a family wagon, a 3yo boy, and a ~5yo girl. Mom’s packing the mountain of beach gear into the family wagon, the 3yo just got buckled into his car seat and the 5yo girl does not want her day at the beach to end. “Get in the car Lindsey. NO, I wanna play in the sand. Get in the car Lindsey, it’s time to go home. NO, I wanna run in the water. Get in the car Lindsey, the sun is going down. NO, I wanna …”, etc., a couple more times. Mom is totally calm but insistent and consistent. Very skillful sounding.
Just about then as we’re passing this scene little Lindsey turns to face Mom, puts her little fists on her hips, puts on her best “I’ve had enough of this” pout face and firmly announces in her most exasperated judgmental voice:
You’re the worst Mommy in the whole world!!
It was everything we could do not to laugh out loud. I caught mom’s eye and gave her approving look and nod. She smiled back with just the hint of an eye roll.
Kids say the darndest things. And with total sincerity.
My wrap-up:
I just posted pix & vids from the RenFaire, my sailplane trip, and from this trip if anyone is interested: LSLGuy - RenFaire, Sailplanes in Orlando, and Weekend around Laguna Beach. There might be a couple more pix taken later today, and uploaded Monday night, but not many.
Best of luck on the workweek to those on a conventional schedule.
Cheers all!