Furry Alert!

Gay Furry Alert! New Orangina advert (in French.)

Where is Tiger Girl?

To make this as exactly parallel to the discussion over on The League of Ordinary Gentlemen as possible, I feel like I ought to point out that, as furry Orangina commercials go, the gay cougar is pretty tame.

And I won’t even mention the “Bloody” ad with the black panther dominatrix…


Yet another thing I had not previously imagined…

Why do these exist?

I thought the hyena one was the worst, but then I saw the giraffe butt sniff one and it made Pepe Le Pew look like a model citizen for interspecies relationships.

I love the poodle ones.

And why do all the female ones have such bulging breasts? I hate seeing huge breasts on an animal. If you have to give them tits, put the proper place at least.

Why? You want my opinion? The CGI is fairly well done, although the hyena looks disproportionate to me. Hmm, and the S&M panther’s CGI is really bad. They shouldn’t have used a black background.

I’m not sure why the Indian one isn’t ‘tame’, although it’s certainly not PC and I wasn’t listening with sound. And yes the cougars are cute.

I don’t see them as that shocking, but then I spend way too much time on the internet.

Because they are anthropomorphic animals, aka Furries. They’re supposed to be quasi-human. Sticking the breasts in the right location would make them pure animals, and thus make Furry love into bestiality.

Oh GOD I just found that one! WRONG! SO WRONG!


In the metaphorical sense, that’s not supposed to be a drum he’s beating.

I hadn’t meant to specifically identify the tiger one, or any of those others as tame; I was mostly pointing at the last one, linked with ‘pretty tame.’ I do see how it could’ve been read that way, though.

For what it’s worth, I think they’re mostly well done–better than some of the other furry commercials I found browsing youtube after seeing the gay cougar one. (Admittedly, the hyena and giraffe ones are a bit odd.) At least they avoided obvious mistakes, like sticking human hands–skin and all–on otherwise furry critters. The worst that I can see is that the bear looks a bit odd; he’s got the wrong body type, basically.

Her head is much, much, MUCH too small - they seem to be trying for a realistically proportioned head - to the actual animal. Unfortunately, when put onto a human frame, this causes two problems - humans have, proportionately, much larger heads than most other animals, and our torsos are broader (look at a human skeleton, compared to a hyena skeleton - human is squashed front to back, hyena side to side), so our shoulders are wider set - end result…reeeeeeeaaly tiny looking head.

(Although her head looks a little small even that considered - hyenas aren’t exactly pinheads.)

Why? Why?

I don’t know what it is about them that bothers me, but I know that they do. Somehow, I’ve become inured to little girls gyrating to Beyonce in skimpy clothes. But this…it feels wronger. At the same time I can’t look away. They kind of make me want to vomit and scream and yet I can’t stop watching them.