Ga Teens kill puppy in oven

To expand on Miller’s very cogent points, I think that there’s also a factor of the solution to for this story. Incarcerating these two teens for a long time is going to meet most definitions of solving the problem that is described in the OP’s incident.

With respect to Iraq, there is no easy solution. Maintaining the US armed presence in Iraq for the next 20 to 30 years will not prevent the violence, but I do believe it will mitigate it. Whether that mitigation is going to be enough to justify the expense and human cost is beyond the scope of this thread. Pulling all US troops out of Iraq will, IMNSHO, allow the various factions to escalate their violence beyond the current levels. There is no simple solution to the problems in Iraq.

Given that situation, in many ways it’s more satisfying to focus on a problem that can be easily solved, and one that looks to be heading in the proper direction, now that it has been reported to the proper authorities.

I think there is way more to this than the fact that a puppy was killed. I mean, hell, the animal shelter kills puppies, and I’m fine with that.

What merits the pitting is the fact that two boys demonstrated that they are socially and mentally twisted, killing a defenseless animal in the most sadistic way possible. Miller is right on the money.

And I really, really, really hope this thread doesn’t turn into a discussion about Iraq.

What Miller and Jeep’s Phoenix said.

Also, lowbrass, you ARE aware that many psychopaths and serial killers get their start by torturing animals? That’s how Jeffrey Dahmer started out.

The second linked article (it loaded on the first click, now it’s asking for registration) stated they are accused of 9 felonies and face up to 60 years of prison. Fucked up as their offense is, does anyone else find that excessive? How did they rack up 9 felony counts?

Actually, I think it says that they face up to 90 years in prison

choosybeggar, the moment they involved the other kids, they opened themselves up to a whole world of hurt. Intimidation, child endangerment, and I suspect racketeering could all be made to fit the situation. Plus they may get one count each for all relevant violations per each child they showed the puppy to.

I don’t really find it excessive. The kids in question have no place in normal society. They were old enough to know better, and they’ve demonstrated that they have criminal and sadistic tendencies - it’s a small step from this incident to torturing and killing actual people. A very small step.

They should be far, far away from the rest of us.

I was posting from memory of the first click. Thanks for the correction.

From Choosybeggar:

I too accessed the article once, and did a quick scan. I suspect that the majority of charges revolve around what I caught as this not being done in thier space. Burglary, criminal damage to property (it did say they defaced walls and attacked computer equipment) and the threats to children issues as previously mentioned. The DA is unloading on them, a practice I think is frequently abused, but in this case I sure as heck would not stand up to defend against the practice. If the evidence is there for a conclusive conviction, put these two sociopaths away for ever. Usually a criminal has a motive, either revenge or personal gain, and then tries to keep the crime a secret. These idiots had no clear motivation at all other than they could do it and gain some power base by scaring children. Let them rot.

As a former rugby player, I have always thought that was a rugby saying…

I can only hope that at some point in their lives, both of these punks become capable of bonding with animals and deeply and painfully come to some sort of realization of the indescribably awful thing that they’ve done.

The only bonding with animals should be when they are digested by wolves.

That’s an O’Reillyesque leap of logic. Isn’t it possible to think that it sucks that puppies are dead and also think that it sucks that people dredge this stuff up on a daily basis? That was my first thought reading the title. How do people find this stuff? What is the thought process behind posting it? How do they expect this thread to go?

-Dead puppies suck. :frowning:
-I agree. :frowning:
-Me too. :frowning:
-I hope those animals get raped in prison. :frowning: :mad:

Why? Do they enjoy in some perverse way discussing dead animals and prison rape?

Wasn’t there a rule against the “frowny face and shitty link” OP?

Have I asked enough questions?

by Argent Towers:

And perhaps might I add shit over a cliff?

[john belushi, in the early SNL]

I want to use tax-funded municipal bonds . . . to bring Soviet Communists into your neighborhood . . . to kill your puppies!


The Decider’s bombs have killed countless puppies in Iraq! They must be incarcerated for their own good!

Oops, I forgot to give proper credit, my shit over a cliff comment was from comedian/actor Blake Clark, who in one of his routines said “I feel like I was eaten by wolves and shit over a cliff” Sorry I made it sound like my own.

At the risk of turning this thread into a death-penalty debate: No, I did not mean it was merited in this particular case (although I could probably be persuaded to look the other way were it applied). More like this is the sort of inhumanity that convinces me we’re better off without some people.

The Decider, the bombs, or the puppies?

All three, in two cages.

Your pick as to which two go in one cage, and what one in the other.

The crime isn’t “just” killing a puppy, it’s tormenting children by showing them the dead puppy and threatening to kill them if they tell anyone about the dead puppy. Don’t you agree that the threats to children, and emotional suffering inflicted on them deserves some outrage?