Galadriel's expression: What the...?

Loved Return of the King. Saw it twice so far.
Possible spoiler:

At the end when they are all getting on the ship for the Grey Havens as Galadriel, the elf queen, is turning to get on the boat there is a quick look and grin by her which seemed to me very very odd. It was almost like a take that should’ve been cut for a better one but was inadvertently left in.

Did this strike anyone else as extremely odd?

She was giving a knowing smile to Frodo because she knew he was coming along and hadn’t told the other Hobbits.

IIRC, she wasn’t booked on a cruise until the fate of the Ring was decided. She had been grounded for quite some time for starting a coup in one of the earlier Ages, and her turning down the Ring was her salvation. So the look was more of relief.

Of course, I could be completely projecting. I’m sure someone who’s a bit more Silmarillion knowledgeable will come by to fill in the gaps.

I’m with the OP. She had a funny look on her face and it was more than just knowing Frodo was coming along. I’ve seen the movie twice now and both times during that scene I’ve wondered what Blanchett was thinking. There’s something, but I don’t know what it is.

On a side note- I have to say I think they handled the character, from a visual standpoint, beautifully. In an era where beautiful = sexy in most films, I cringed before the first one came out as to how they would portray her. Through make-up and lighting, they made her etherially (sp?) beautiful without being sensual / sexual- I think they did a great job.

Galadriel and Frodo, sittin’ in a tree… she fancied him! See? Sam gets Rosie, Frodo gets an elf… Merry and Pippin get each other… everyone’s hap, hap, happy!

She’s smiling for multiple reasons, I thought.

[spoiler]One is that she has been allowed to sail to the West, something that had been forbidden to her previously. She can lay down her burdens, and is released from her weariness. Thus the smile is at least partly a smile of relief.

The other is that she knows Frodo is coming on the trip, and she is happy that he is getting rewarded for his struggle. Thus it is also a smile of gladness.

The last is that she knows Frodo has not told his companions that he is going. It is what Homebrew called a knowing smile.[/spoiler]

I appreciate the reasons given so far, but that smile wasn’t a warm, glad one. It was a quick shot of a shy doubletake with strangely widened eyes, like she was just about to crack up at seeing someone drop their pants.

Maybe she has a thing for Frodo, elf on hobbit would be kinda hot.

Maybe she planned a fling, or a half-fling, or a fling with a halfling.

Well, maybe she just heard the rumor that feet aren’t the only thing hairy on a hobbit.

All that paperbackwriter says in his spoiler is true, but also

It was at least in part because she had “offered her place to Frodo,” knowing what the burden of the Ring would do to him, that she herself was permitted to return to Aman. So in a way it was also a smile of welcome to the one who had enabled her Exile to be lifted, simply by carrying out his part of Eru’s Plan.

So the good guys win, the world is saved, and she gets to go off to her eternal salvation… and you wonder why she’s smiling?

Man, I gotta wonder what’s wrong with you. You the kind of person that cheers at funerals?

She was told that they were bringing a three-foot Bilbo on the ship, but she mis-heard it as dil…

No. Sorry, I can’t do it.

Hey, what about her husband - was Celeborn there at dock? I can’t remember if he was or not in the books.

Celeborn did not depart with Galadriel at the end of the book. He dwelt in Lorien for a time, and retired to Rivendell, where he lived with Elladan and Elrohir. No final word on whether or not Celeborn (or Elrond’s boys) ever sailed west.

I forget if he was at the grey havens at the end of the movie.

Elfbabe, who just saw it for the third time yesterday, doesn’t remember whether Celeborn was in the final scene either. :frowning:

Now elfbabe is stating he was there at the end of the movie.

Celeborn is in the final scene, standing between Elrond and Galadriel.

He’s the funny looking guy. With the pointy ears.

Kate has a unique face. Maybe you’re reading too much into what you perceive as an odd expression. Might be very normal for her.

I thought that was Cirdan the Shipwright :confused: