Game Center gone from iOS 10. What do you all think about this!

I’ve upgraded to iOS 10 and the Game Center is gone. It seems Apple got rid of it on purpose, presumably to get rid of clutter. Now that you can delete the preloaded apps like the stock and weather apps, it seems like they could have just let Game Center be an app that can be deleted. I enjoyed having all the achievements in my games in one place that is easy to access. What do you all think about the demise of Game Center? Do you all think it may return in a different form in a future update?

Hmm. I upgraded to iOS 10 and got excited when I saw this thread. One of my biggest phone diversions is the card game Tichu. I’ve logged over 2000 games and have hit all the achievements I think. Every time I log into this game, I get the Game Center notifications on each achievement I’ve made. It’s a bit annoying. So I just tried it and there were all the Game Center notifications. Maybe it’s more behind the scenes now?

[Aye; Game Center is dead. Long live GameKit!
