Game of Thrones 3.09 "The Rains of Castamere" 6/2/13 No book spoilers

Holy shit!

Did anybody see the Blackfish after he walked out to take a piss?

Was anybody else thinking “Michael Corleone says hello”?

Meanwhile, Ser Richard Carlyle and Teen Obama and Georgio Maharis single (or sextuple) handedly conquer a city. Daenarys must be feeling silly now since she just bought 4,000 eunuchs and stood in fire to hatch three dragons when all she really needed was those three dudes.

I think they just opened the gate, well and killed like 50 dudes. Grey Worm was a fucking badass with that spear.

Beautiful moves, and that was really the actor.

I’m going to a wedding next weekend. I’m sitting next to the doors.

Can’t wait for the Facebook recap thing this week…

So if the Lannisters kill off all the surviving Stark boys, they own the Stark lands by right of marriage. Should be an exciting third season for what’s left of the Starks.

Well…that was disturbing.
I just realized that “The Rains of Castamere” song was recorded for the show by The National.

I was at a wedding last week. To be honest, I gave about a 50:50 chance of that wedding having a similar ending.

Grey Worm is awfully sexy for a guy with no junk.

No, that’s the last we saw of him…

Roose Bolton did not kill Cat. A Frey did it.

I wish Game of Thrones had a show similar to The Talking Dead. Unfortunately it would be very hard to do without giving away book spoilers, but I’d love to hear the actors talk about filming tonight’s episode (and tonight would allow them an epic In Memorium sequence).

I observed when watching that scene that all of his motions were very precise. It reminded me of someone doing a martial arts kata. Appropriate, when you think about how he would’ve been drilled and trained since he was a yoot.

I suddenly just got the irony of Talisa wanting to name her baby after Ned, only to have him brutally executed AGAIN.

ooooh. Is my face red.


All right, that’s enough.

On a random note, #gameofthrones cross referenced with “holy shit” turns up 20 tweets in the last two hours…and counting.

Well they have at least one major character killed off per season. I was thinking it might be Jaimie. Or Tywin. But that’s one of the pleasures of not reading the books … the suspense.

I suppose I didnt think it would be John because now the revolt in the North is a mopping-up operation, which greatly rachets down the suspense, at least until Daenerys can pose a threat.

They didn’t do a great job of showing it in the series, but Robb’s campaign against the Lannisters was actually pretty brilliant. See here for a nice analysis of the campaign to put it all into perspective (fairly certain there’s no spoilers).

But after pissing off the Karstarks and being hemmed in, and needing the Freys for even a chance of success, clearly Walder Frey saw the Lannisters as his best offer. Revenging the slight against him was just a bonus.