I’ll assume that there is some level of truth to the above, that it’s not all a series of damnable lies and injustices perpetrated by a variety of different, unrelated people, against the distinguished gentleman from California.
Uh, Gary? Didn’t you get the memo? The bipartisan, political trim-fest is over in D.C.
I know, I know. It isn’t fair that Jack Kennedy used to be able to sweep stuff off his Oval Office desk and fuck Marilyn Monroe silly. Them’s the breaks, though.
Now me personally, I don’t much like adultery in any circumstance. Without getting into the morality and character issues, it’s just kinda tacky, if you ask me.
But it takes a remarkable level of arrogant idiocy to be fucking around with multiple women when you work at a job where:
A. - Your career is badly damaged, if not over, if you get caught.
B. - The press, if it smells a story, can stick about 1,000 microscopes up your ass.
And, sir, before you implore the people to judge you on your record … sorry. Your job is all about people making judgements about you. You can do your sales pitch, but they ultimately get to decide what’s important to them. They might vote against you for your hairstyle.
And a lot of those people think its indicative of your character or lack thereof if you fuck around on your wife. You know this. You apparently didn’t care. Now the piper’s got his hand out.
Whatever happened to finding one woman who likes sex a lot, and then commencing to a long-term relationship in which said sex is a frequent but exclusive occurrence? Am I missing out on some enlightened revolution?
However you feel about the morality of adultery, you have to agree that a politician doing it is pretty dumb. Doesn’t seem to stop the power-drunk, horny old bastards though, does it?