Gas (petrol) price hikes outside USA

Can folks outside the USA please advise on whether the prices of gasoline and Diesel fuel are rising on a daily basis as they are in the USA? Today’s 87 octane gas is now at about $3.81/US gallon at the “bargain” outlets in my part of southeast US.

The UK’s petrol prices have always made the US’s look like a bargain. And still do …

Here are some prices I found on line (can’t vouch for their accuracy but they seem reasonable):

In the last 5 years the price for a US gallon (which is smaller than a UK gallon of course) has gone from around $5.90 to $7.80 (using an exchange rate to 2:1).

Well, not daily, but weekly. 91 is at NZ$1.97/litre, Diesel a bit less, about NZ$1.60 ish

Yes, they are, but the rises are cushioned compared to the US in those countries (such as mine) whose currency is appreciating vis-a-vis the US dollar, in which crude oil is priced and traded.

Unleaded petrol has nearly doubled here in 5 years, with about half that rise occurring in the last year. It is now about $1.60 AUD per litre, which is around $5.91 USD / US gallon.

It’s rising here, too. Prices are now around $1.26 a litre, which is…

:: checks for currency conversion ::

1.26 CAD/L * 1.013 USD/CAD * 3.8 L/US gallon = 4.85 USD/US gallon

A little more calculation (missed the edit window):

Look at the six-month chart in my link. It’s risen around 0.25 CAD/L (1.08 USD/US gallon) in the past four months.

I lied above. Went out today, it’s now NZ$2.01/litre for 91. My diesel guess was miles out, it is now NZ$1.74/litre. So that’s 2 price rises this week here.

I believe that the U.K. price would be much the same as the U.S. if it were not for all the additional fuel duty we pay.

Sweden here. prices today are up to
US$8.70 per US Gallon

and for diesel

In India where I live , petrol ( normal) costs Indian rupees 46.15 / litre and unleaded petrol@Rs 50 /litre.

In some other states , it will be more by Rs 3 each ( due to different taxation ).

1 usd= 42.5 Rs as on yesterday.

Yeah, so until you have at least half of that in the US, stop whining! :slight_smile:

You pay $8.70 now, but were you paying an average of $2.90 just five years ago? Our gas prices have tripled since then, hence the whining. It’s not as though our states have responded to this rapid rise by creating public transportation (any, that is, not convenient public transportation. Only a handful of towns and cities in my entire state have bus or train service), so it’s a huge increase to the average person’s budget to constantly readjust to in such a short timeframe.

Griffin1977’s source is now out of date for the UK. Around here, after the hikes of the last few weeks, the price of standard unleaded has reached GBP 1.169 per litre. After a bit of calculation (1.169 x 3.79 x 1.98 ) I make that USD 8.77 per US Gallon!

Go Britain! — we’re more expensive than Sweden, so far we’re number one in the world :eek:

Thanks everyone. I wasn’t whining, just trying to compare the rate of price increase around the world. The total price has been posted in a recent thread here. This weekend I’ll assemble some of my recent gas purchase receipts and post the rates. They go up daily here now 2 to 10 cents per day per gallon. It pays to top off daily but I still do it only about every 3 weeks. I saw it coming and 2 years ago moved from 11 miles from work to 1.3 miles away so I have a 2-minute drive. I know I should get a bike. I gave my last one away in 1990 and my commute route is on a narrow 2-lane road with lots of big trucks and speed limits of 45 and 55 (mph).

What do you drive and what mpg do you get?

And 1.3miles is walkable.

Distance-wise, yes, it’s walkable. But there are many roads in the USA that are unpleasant or downright dangerous for pedestrians. Quite a few roads don’t have sidewalks/pavements.

But of course, this would be a double-whammy, since we’d (a) have to pay huge friggin’ amounts of extra taxes to build and fund such a system, plus (b) continue to pay huge amounts of money for gasoline while the system is built. If we add another line to the Gant chart, we’ll have a worse problem: alternatives to gasoline will make driving our own vehicles economical again by time the public system is finished, and so we’ll be subsidizing something that only poor people use, or worse, let the system deteriorate after having spent a fortune on it.

Our geographical distribution and population distribution trends only permit large scale, efficient public transit in very specific locations, and guess what? Many of those spots already have it!

Those that do have it in particularly half-arsed manner. Your right, its never going to be economical to try and replace the car in remote small town america. But the condition of public transit in huge population centers in the US is a joke.

I agree, but will amend that it’s not just remote, small town America. It works in places like New York, where people live like rats (high density). The Metro Detroit area, for example, is most definitely not “small town America.” How would you install an accessible mass transit system that covers enough of the population to be meaningful? Take a look at the Toronto/Mississauga (that’s Canada) mass transit system. They’ve invested billions, rides are saturated, fares are high, but unless you’re lucky and live in the city or very close to a trunk, you still need your car. The metropolitan area is just too huge to be able to count on mass transit!

I’m curious (but lazy) — anyone know what percentage of the population uses the NYC city versus the Greater Toronto Area (disparate) transit system?

