
So I have to admit it, I’m gassy. I know the main cause of it is probably my college student diet, but even when I’m home eating ma’s home cooking (which is healthy and balanced) I still find myself rather uncomfortable.

How can I combat gassyness? And damnit is it with an i or y.

Gassyness… Gassiness… I dunno

Try eliminationg Dairy for a few days and see if that works. You may be lactose intolerant. Lactaid will help this when taken with food.

It’s with an ‘i.’ But I don’t know how to combat it.

Try eliminationg Dairy for a few days and see if that works. You may be lactose intolerant. Lactaid will help this when taken with food.

I’ve always found Beano[sup]TM®©∞[/sup] (we’ll see how well those superscripted circled-R circled-C infinity-symbol characters show up) to be pretty effective for this kind of thing. I believe the active ingredient is an enzyme called alphagalactosidase or something along those lines, which breaks up long carbohydrates in beans and whatnot so you can digest them instead of having the bacteria in your gut eat them and release lots of gas as a result. I don’t know if it works with foods other than beans, though. So maybe combining it with Lactaid and other helpers would be best. Or best of all, there’s always the old predigested nutrient liquid on an IV drip!

I’ve always been rather gassy as well. I’ve been told I’m lactose intollerant, but even when I eliminate lactose from my diet, I still manage to store more iar in my intestines than anything else. I don’t drink many carbonated drinks anymore either, so my guess is that some people are just predetermined to be gas bags.

You might try an embargo first. I’ve seen many resort initially to a policy of slash and burn and that unfortunately usually leads to outright gorilla warfare.

Yeast Sensitivity?

I was chronically gassy and bloated, went to a Gut Doctor, and took a poop test (I passed!).

The poop test showed that my gut was full of bad bacteria and the good bacteria where almost absent. After a quick dose of antibiotics followed by a lengthy regimen of probiotics (acidophilus, etc.), my tummy went back to normal and I no longer have to take Gas-X four times a day. However, if I consume anything “yeasty” (especially breads), I’d better keep the Gas-X and a bathroom handy.

Or monkey business, even. :smiley:

I read in the Oregonian just the other day that if you put a teaspoon of ‘bruised’ fennel seeds into a cup of hot water and drink the resultant ‘tea’, it’s good for gas. I don’t know how one would ‘bruise’ fennel seeds (smash 'em I guess) and I haven’t tried this concoction, but I thought I’d pass it along anyway. Wouldn’t cost much to try.