Gay Dopers: Who would you go straight for?

I saw the go gay for thread and decided we needed the opposite as well.

So, is there anyone of the opposite sex you’d go straight for?

I have no desire for sex with any woman, no matter how much I respect and admire her…

What about the rest of you?

I’d go straight for Rob Lowe. My partner and I were discussing this exact topic this morning, and she would go for Billy Zane!

I got all I can handle as it is, but in the spirit of the game Aragorn, Son of Arathorn (not Viggo, but him in that roll). Fwoah!

Salma Hayek

Aamir Khan, the guy who starred in “Lagaan.” He managed to personally subtract a point from my perfect Kinsey 6.

Same here, Mockingbird. There are lots of men out there that are just lovely to look at, brilliant, and have every drop of my respect–but I wouldn’t swing for them.


Not even as a one time thing? Then you could go back to being gay?

Possibly David Duchovny. But probably not. He may be good-looking and interesting and all that, but he still has a penis.

My GF has said that she might go straight for the snooker player Ronnie O’Sullivan. Personally, I think he’s pig ugly, and he only has one eyebrow!

Nah. I don’t have an inkling of sexual desire for boy-type people, love them though I may.


I really can’t decide. Some women slap me upside the head with their beauty, but somehow imagining having sex with them seems… taboo.

Priam, I don’t think you’re stepping into taboo land unless you’re referring to, say, Mother Teresa.


If that’s the case, you’re a dirty bastard!


Maybe taboo is the wrong word… let me try again

Women are beautiful, sometimes stunning, creatures that I would rather remain fully clothed and have trouble imagining them in any other way. If imagining them naked is tough, the idea of having sex with one is just baffling, a mite intimidating, and mostly devoid of motivation.

Josh Hartnett. Maybe. As a one-off. I’d go back to girls pretty quick after that :slight_smile:

Max :smiley:

I knew what you meant. I was just teasin’ ya!


Hmm. Robert Redford as The Sundance Kid. Mmmm.

Or maybe Patrick Swayze in Point Break.

And David the Pain Master (my weight training instructor).

But the common thread with all of these guys is that they are unattainable.

Meanwhile, me and my girlboyfriend are happy just to shag each other and not worry about the gender dynamics of who we are supposed to be.

Pat Benatar.

Maybe the girl who plays Persephone in the new Matrix movie.

As a previously married to a woman, now divorced and “turned gay” guy, I have the perspective to attest that going back wouldn’t be worth it. It’s particulary not worth it if the entire attraction is physical beauty. However, I might give it a go for perhaps the most unlikely candidate mentioned: k.d. lang - but only if she’d be willing to use certain “marital aides”.

Now you’ve gone and done it again, y’all.

“Straight dopers: who would you go gay for?”

“Gay dopers: who would you go straight for?”

Sigh. Always the forgotten in-between.

No, no, don’t mind me, I’ll just be over in this corner enjoying my psychic orgasms.

[sub]Don’t even GET them. Ruffian stole all of mine.[/sub]

The love of my life David…of course that would be unecessary because he thinks my bi-status is totally sexy.