Gay TSA officers allowed to grope same-sex passengers?

From here:

A gay male TSA officer complaining about having to pat down women:

“Do you think I want to go to work and place my hands between women’s legs and touch their breasts for a few hours? For starters, I am attracted to men, not women…

So…the TSA insists that only male officers grope male passengers and vice-versa for women.

How is allowing gay officers to grope same-sex passengers any different than opposite-sex groping? How is this fair to either party?

Note: Not homophobic…just asking a factual question here.

Homeland Security oughta just farm this gig out to the Zeta Reticulans. When you need an orifice probed, who better to call than the guys who have been honing the art for almost half a century?

Is there any particular reason you say the quote in question was from a gay male? It’s not identified by gender in any way. Since the TSA, as I understand it, uses gropers of the same sex as the passenger to be groped, I think it’s a straight woman that’s responsible for the quote.

God damn it just grope her and stop your griping. Do your fucking job or quit. There are a thousand people that will do your job in a minute.

Silly goose, there aren’t any gay TSA agents. They make the foo-foos flight attendants.

Yes, women pat down women, so the quote is not from a gay male. What an odd assumption to make.

What about straight TSA officers who unknowingly are patting down a gay person, huh? What about THEM?

Maybe we could have separate lines:

Straight women who consent to being patted down by other straight women
Straight women who consent to being patted down by gay women
Straight women who consent to being patted down by straight men
Straight women who consent to being patted down by gay men

Gay women who consent to being patted down by straight women
Gay women who consent to being patted down by other gay women
Gay women who consent to being patted down by straight men
Gay women who consent to being patted down by gay men

Straight men who consent to being patted down by straight women
Straight men who consent to being patted down by gay women
Straight men who consent to being patted down by other straight men
Straight men who consent to being patted down by gay men

Gay men who consent to being patted down by straight women
Gay men who consent to being patted down by gay women
Gay men who consent to being patted down by straight men
Gay men who consent to being patted down by other gay men

Did I leave anyone out? Because if not, I think this could work!

Furry fetishists. You definitely left out furry fetishists.

I suspect this will be a popular line.

You also left out transitioning people, bisexuals, polyamorous, people who would like to be groped, and those of any gender and orientation who are ok with being patted down by people of any gender and orientation but not groped.

I think if all the officers were ladies then most passengers would be happy.

Do you think I want to go to work and [do something I don’t enjoy]?

As my dad always said: work ain’t supposed to be fun, that’s why they pay you to do it.

I love the use of the word grope as if all the TSAs are all horny and saying “God I can’t wait to go to work so I can cop a feel” :smiley:

I don’t think the quote is that she’s whining about her job, though. I think she’s saying “Look, it’s not like I like groping you, so we’re both on the same page here. It’s not like I’m molesting you.” She’s responding to those that accuse TSA agents of enjoying groping passengers, I think.

Exactly! This entire debate has been full of loaded language like this to make something seem sexually motivated that is certainly not.

Yeah, have you seen the chicks who work for the TSA?

The children! Doesn’t anyone think about the children anymore?

Clearly we need children to pat down other children - lest pedophile adults get jobs as TSA agents. I think having 6-7 different age groups should suffice, broken up by all the above sexual orientations post-puberty.

I’m not sure how child labor laws would come into play, but TSA is a super smart agency - I’m sure they will figure out something to keep those terrorist toddlers off our planes.

Dude, can’t you just tell by the quote? Of course it’s a gay male.

I also think he’s a secret Muslim, based on his grammar.

Perhaps it’s a gender bias thing? Gruntled found it easier to imagine a gay male TSA agent than a female one.

The quote clearly states that the person is attracted to men. As we all know, women don’t have sex drives and only submit themselves to sex in order to get diamonds and babies. Therefore it’s obviously a gay man.