Geek appreciation thread

Four months ago, I started dating a fellow I’ve known for a long time. (Fifteen years, to be correct. What on earth was I waiting for?) He’s a former computer programmer who is now getting his Phd in business. He is, by his own admission, a complete and utter nerd. He is absolutely correct.

And I think he’s absolutely adorable.

He’s extremely smart. He’s funny, kind, polite and appreciative. He’s good to his family (a wonderful family, BTW) , and always treats me with kindness and respect. He actually listens when I speak. He plays a wickedly challenging game of Scrabble. And as much as he bemoans his baldness/glasses/belly/dorky appearance (his words, not mine), I find him hugely attractive. I can barely keep my hands off him, poor guy.

Quick history: I am freaky, appearance-wise. Purple and black spiky hair, black clothes, dog collar, etc. etc. We are, visually, the most mismatched couple in history. But we have the same sick sense of humor, like the same TV shows, movies and books, and activities. I have a lot of faith that this relationship will work out just fine.

So, to the doper ladies out there: I highly recommend skipping over the jerks out there and going out with a so-called “geek”. I could not be happier right now. I would hate to have missed the opportunity to get to know this wonderful man.

And to the doper nerdy men: If you’re single, don’t worry…some lucky girl will realize what a great, smart, stimulating guy you are and will be eternally thankful that she knows you. And if you’re not single, I’m sure your SO already feels this way.

Geeks rule!

If I really cared, I would pit you excessively for using “nerd” and “geek” almost interchangeably. They are not the same thing. Anyway, I agree, nerds and geeks are both cool.

I’ve long said that geeks make the best lovers.

The fact that I’m a geek has nothing to do with it, honest!

(Ok, it does. By the way, a girl with purple and black spiky hair, black clothes, and dog collar is sexy!)

errr, can nerds be geeks. Can geeks be nerds?

Paul Harvey once said, “Be kind to the nerds. One day you’ll work for one!”

[sub]If you don’t know who Paul Harvey is, you’re too young to be up this late, dag nabbit[/sub]

I’m taking physics II for fun…So, does that make me a nerd, or a geek? I really need to know, and I though you guys could help :smiley:

Umm, ** Alexxandra **, you wouldn’t happen to have any friends who also like geeky guys?

I have to agree Alexxandra - I rather like the ‘geeks’ myself.:smiley:

On behalf of all the Electrical Engineers in the house, just keep in mind one thing:

You can’t spell “gEEk” without the ‘Double “E”’.

Nor “bEEr” for that matter.

For all the geek guys out there, fear not. A geek girl will one day come your way, and all will be copacetic. Some more early than others. (w00t!)

Yay for geeks! waves a little w00t flag

Whoops, sorry about using the words interchangably…to my credit, I never labeled him as such, HE did. Heh.

I also just noticed he changed the screen when windows boots up to say “Super Hot Skanky Ho” instead of my name. Turns out that he’s also a comedian.