Gender Guesser

Isn’t “weak male” pretty much the definition of “female”?


Oops! I just realized that I did it wrong. A story will be categorized as “Formal genre”. Here are the correct results :

Genre: Formal
Female = 3883
Male = 3524
Difference = -359; 47.57%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European.

Interesting! That was a sample from 2003. I am going to try a more recent piece in a minute.

Okay, now I have inserted a recent mini-story from a recently published (April 30) deviation, “Ineffective Champion”, at my Deviant Art webpage. Here is the result :
Genre: Formal
Female = 860
Male = 877
Difference = 17; 50.48%
Verdict: Weak MALE
I have segued from “Weak Female” to “Weak Male”, and I didn’t even have to go to Sweden for an operation. Awesome!

Genre: Informal
Female = 153
Male = 417
Difference = 264; 73.15%
Verdict: MALE

Genre: Formal
Female = 394
Male = 283
Difference = -111; 41.8%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European.

I am no male, weak female or European. So there.

I submitted The Declaration Of Independence(sans autographs) and got:

Genre: Formal
Female = 1039
Male = 1386
Difference = 347; 57.15%
Verdict: Weak MALE

Just for shits and giggles, I plugged in an excerpt from “Twilight” that I found online. Here’s what it said:

Genre: Informal
Female = 2018
Male = 2158
Difference = 140; 51.67%
Verdict: Weak MALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European.

Genre: Formal
Female = 1267
Male = 1876
Difference = 609; 59.68%
Verdict: Weak MALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European.

Threw in a chapter of a short story I wrote recently. Verdict:

I’m MALE, dammit! A STRONG male! And totally not European.

I’m going to go cry and fondle my vagina now. :frowning:

Oh, good–another chapter of that same story gives:

Seems like a pretty weak tool to me.

I am female but I have some decidedly male personality traits. For the informal sample, I submitted a fairly whiney blog entry and got:

Genre: Informal
Female = 1646
Male = 1119
Difference = -527; 40.47%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Then for the formal sample, I submitted a copy of my resume. I haven’t written anything formal for so long that I don’t even have a sample handy, except for my resume. I got:

Genre: Formal
Female = 420
Male = 176
Difference = -244; 29.53%
Verdict: FEMALE

Weird. I submitted a post from my little love advice blog (which I thought was really girlie), and then a section of a work report I’m writing. With the exception of one “weak female” the other three scores were male. Funny, I’m a woman, and a girlie girl woman at that.

Though I have been told that I “write like a man” whatever that means.