George Rekers' former organization: DADT repeal will lead to rampant raping

Here’s the story:

So anyone want to bet on when these guys will get caught hanging with the boys?

Projection is not a pretty sight.

That guy has a serious case of gay face.

Yup, that’s all I have to contribute.

…and that’s bad, right?

They’re gonna have to start calling themselves the Rectum Rekers.

Actually by the look of that guy in the article , a more accurate headline might be that they are hoping that will be the case.

Why anyone would give the slightest shit what these idiots have to say about anything is beyond me. Their “theories” have been discredited so many times it’s not much more than trolling at this point to try to claim them.

I can’t decide if it’s appropriate to say “band name” or not.

This statistic was just pulled out of his ass.

Doesn’t he mean more rampant raping? Or does it only count if it happens to men?

Offers a whole new arena for psy war and interrogation techniques.

“Well, OK, you don’t want to talk, we understand, but we’ll have to turn the interrogation over to Sgt. Bruce here…”

“Hee-eey, sugarbuns! Oh, we’re going to have such a good time, you and me…”

“I take my orders from Achmed Camelscrote, he lives at 127 Fatima Road, Karbala. phone number 555-627-8990…”

Or win a battle and leave a sign: “You just had your butts kicked by a bunch of Marines as queer as a blue horse. How do you like those apples, Abduhl?”

Favorite comment: bing You are now free to rape about the country.

Maybe they could give the straight soldiers some kind of self defense training.

Or weapons of some sort.

Well, it’s a safe claim to make. No one can absolutely prove ahead of time that the claim is false, and when it never comes to pass, no one can bring up the incorrect past claim without being criticized for “having to be right” or “never letting things go.”

So what’s the downside?

Pretty much always like that. Its ridiculous, when the radicals first propose it. It becomes unpatriotic and unAmerican when the progressives take it up. Eventually, the liberals begin to suggest that maybe, just maybe, in a few decades, such a thing will be possible, if we don’t move too quickly.

Then it happens, and the conservatives tear their hair and shriek for a while, then everybody gets over it.

And so it goes.

If rape persists more than four hours, consult a decorator.

Or just lie back and enjoy it and remember your thoughts so you’ll have an answer when Larry King asks “how’d it feel when the Sacred Band of Tulsa boys were making love to you in the shower?”

Is rape of female soldiers that commonplace? Of course whatever the statistics are, folks like NARTH can swear “that’s because 98% of them go unreported- as proof, there are no reports”.

“I think so, Brain, but what’s a NARTH? Naaarrrf.”

Did it never occur to anyone to check the military rape statistics of countries whose militaries allow openly-gay people to serve? Such as, I dunno, Argentina, Australia, Austia, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, the Philippines, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, or Uruguay? Link.

Germany has raped France numerous times.

If I could derail a Pit thread with an actual thought for a second, I would speculate that, in fact, that same sex sexual assault in the military is more prevelant than opposite sex sexual assault. The reason is simply that there are many, many more males to victimize than females, and that “rape”, especially male on male, has little to nothing to do with actual sexual preference.

I could spend a few paragraphs expounding on same sex sexual assaults rarely having anything to do with sexual orientation, but, in all honesty, DADT isn’t worth a single finger click let alone actual rational thought.