George Takei... Am I missing something here?

I’m not even gay and I think he’s awesome for bringing cool Asians to the forefront. And maybe allowing a few Asians to be gay and accept themselves - it’s still very difficult. And he’s just funny as hell.

I was watching some news program the other day (Can’t remember which one) but a pundit on there made a very good point regarding modern day issues with gays.

The media is slowly but surely portraying gays as normal now. They’re just regular folks like anyone else. It used to be that the word gay would conjure up images of a bunch of guys in flamboyant costumes marching in a Gay Pride parade.

Now, when you hear gay,(on the media) it conjures up images of soldiers fighting our wars in the ME, conjures up images of people who just want marry the person that they love, ect… Real people with real problems. Not some caricature you see on some sitcom.

I think George is the perfect embodiment of that. The normal guy.

I regularly share his posts. But he needs to stop plugging his book 14 times a day.

Also (from the wiki page) on Nickelodeon’s Supah Ninjas;

“George Takei as Grandpa “Hologramps” Fukunaga, the sensei of the Supah Ninjas and Mike’s deceased grandfather. A hologram carrying the family ninja legacy, he guides and trains the Supah Ninjas and in an underground high-tech dojo under Mike and Martin’s home and uses a robot to guide them to fight.”

Okay, not actually Tennessee itself, but some of legislators from Tennessee and supported by their constituents from Tennessee who voted for them and will probably keep voting for them, but not Tennessee.

I have nothing against George Takei; he seems like a decent sort. But IMHO, he is garnering so much attention mainly because he has become a sort of hipster touchstone. “Liking” him and sharing his posts is a way of saying, “I’m cool and accepting of people different than me and that makes me better than all you Neanderthals out there.”

At least, that’s the feeling I get from the phenomenon.

I never watched Star Trek, but I first heard of him on facebook with the “ok to be Takei” campaign. He seems like a cool guy, even though he’s like 112 years old. I don’t follow him on Facebook, but my mom does. She reposts his best stuff so I eventually see it.

Really dug the 50 Shades of Gray reading recently, as well. OH MY!

It’s my understanding they will be required to inform the child’s parents if there is even a suspicion of homosexual tendencies.

It really is one of the most disgusting, cruel laws I’ve ever heard of. As a future Tennessean (I move in 2 weeks!) it appalls me, and I hope it never passes. I will certainly fight it.

As a Tennessean for nearly 20 years, I seriously doubt that it will pass, even with the Pubs having a supermajority in the statehouse. The yahoos there tend to sponsor some of the most outrageous legislation to get their constituants’ bowels in an uproar and quietly let a lot of it die. But it gets a lot of attention when it is proposed.

I love him because he’s so funny and open on Howard Stern and he post nice things on Facebook.

His first appearance is as “Physicist Sulu”

Sulu was the helmsman. Chekov was the navigator.

I’m about as far from a hipster as you can get. I have no hipster friends. He posts funny things. Most are quite innocent and not very hip (like Star Trek memes). He sometimes talks about marriage equality and other political issues but it is definitely the minority of his posts.

George is great. What’s not to like? He’s fun, he’s a 75-year-old guy who “gets” the internet (not only gets it, but grabs it with both hands and makes it do his bidding), he’s a good role model for gay kids and those who support them, he’s happily married/partnered to the same person for oodles of years, he’s funny, and by everything I’ve heard about him, he’s a genuinely nice guy. That’s even leaving out his contributions to Star Trek.

I think the world needs more people like George.

Don’t forget:

He’s really great on Howard Stern. Calling him “open” is an understatement.

He tweeted about the satellite project I’ve been working on, earning us probably a few tens of thousands of dollars, and even kicked us some funding himself. So yeah, he’s an awesome dude.

Takei also made this clip on Youtube responding to homophobic basketball players a few years back, which is both insightful and inspiring in addition to being completely hilarious.

Moving over to Cafe Society, which is just what George Takei would do.

Yes, I know a “real manly man” type who cringes from teh gay, but listens to Howard Stern every day. A few years ago they threw George an on-air ‘bachelor party’ when he married his partner. (Party games: Guess What’s Up My Ass? and Prettiest Penis Contest. Oh, MY! :D) It was excrutiatingly funny, and ever since, this person thinks George is tha bomb and loves loves loves him, “he’s all right, ya know?” (plus residual love of the original ST series).

How is acceptance of people different from oneself not cool?

Unless you’re slow-dancing and just can’t help it.