This is really, really freaky.
And when something is this really, really freaky, I want you folks take on it.
WARNING: Really, really freaky and maybe not safe for work (no photos) or delicate constitutions.
This is really, really freaky.
And when something is this really, really freaky, I want you folks take on it.
WARNING: Really, really freaky and maybe not safe for work (no photos) or delicate constitutions.
This is probably not the kind of reaction you’re looking for (I’ve never heard of Weber), but:
they suspect the murderer cleaned blood off (him? her?) self and left the sink running?
But the murderer didn’t bother to clean up their own blood?
Maybe they were surprised and had to leave in a hurry.
Sad and frightening, hope they catch the guy. Sounds like they could if they did meet online.
Doesn’t surprise me, bup. If you’ve just murdered somebody, you’re in a hurry (and it sounds like the guy might have been) and you’ll be going out in public (even if it’s just to get to your car), you have to be “cleaned up” enough to at least pass a casual inspection by a passerby. The crime scene isn’t nearly as high a priority (although you can argue it should be).
The poor man. What an awful way to go.
It’s awful, and I feel horribly for the man and his family, but is it really “very, very freaky”? I mean, it’s nice that it works out okay the vast majority of the time, but letting a stranger tie you up is, generally, not a great idea.
Not that I’m blaming the victim, I’m not. I just have this nagging feeling that it’s “very, very freaky” because he’s a guy, whereas if he was a woman, the immediate reaction would be “well, letting a stranger tie you up is, generally, not a great idea”. At the very mildest.
Yeah I’m not seeing why this is “really, really freaky.” A sad event, sure, but not “really, really freaky.”
You people don’t find being bound with duct tape and stabbed to death really, really freaky? :eek:
Weber is the victim and I do think it is a terrible way to die. While I’m pretty liberal of most consenting adults sexual practices, I draw the line at maiming and killing.
Obviously, we don’t know the circumstances of his death, but I really don’t think the maiming and killing was part of their foreplay. It’s possible that Weber was into some sort of BDSM but the guy he picked up was a whole lot crazier than he planned. Or perhaps they never agreed on a safe word.
They have made an arrest- a 16 year old he met on Craigslist. Word is the young man has confessed to stabbing Weber more than 50 times.
The suspect claims that Weber pulled the knife and he killed him in self-defense.
A sex deal gone bad is “Really, really freaky and maybe not safe for work (no photos) or delicate constitutions”? How is this worse than a thousand other murders? There were no details at all in that article. Except for the casual mention of seeing a man outside the apartment you’d have to know Weber’s personal history even to realize that he was homosexual. So why were you reporting it in such a weird and breathless style?
The followup article about the arrest is more shocking.
But really, really freaky and not safe for work? That gives me a worse vibe than the original article.
Because you’d never believe how fast a man with his ankles taped together can move?
Whoa… for some reason I didn’t connect this with that George Weber until this thread. He’s not really celebrity per se, but definitely part of the New York City landscape – especially to those of us who have been listening to WABC for years.
Its a bit creepy from a horror movie point of view. Creepy in the same way that thousands of teens go camping every week, but murder-in-the-woods is creepy. If it was just a tabloid story about his proclivities, meh, but this was disturbing.
Add in that the media is portraying the kid a bit darkly. I can’t really tell if it’s sensationalization (see recent pit thread about an “arsenal” of guns) or if the kid was a bit touched.
From today’s Daily News:
There’s also a picture with the kid making the devil sign (ohh!) or whatever, looking tough, in front of some knives. Probably not what he posted on Craigs List.
Oh, and I don’t know exactly what this adds, but for those of you who don’t know, WABC is ultra-conservative. The news itself (at the top/bottom of the hour) is part of ABC, so it doesn’t pull the same shenannagins that Fox does. Their programming, however, is All Freeper, All the Time. They had Bob Grant for decades. Rush in his early days. They used to have some balance (anyone remember when Joy Bahar had her show? And some other woman with a screechy, nasally voice whose name I can’t remember?) But over time they got more and more conservative. Batshit conservative. Weber had nothing to do with it (he was news), though Sliwa et al sometimes had some back and forth with him. I don’t know how it colors things, but it’s definitely one of those details a writer would add to a plot to add dimension.
RIP Mr. Weber. You will be missed.
The woman with the screechy, nasal voice is Lynn Samuels, whose present radio whereabouts I know nothing about. Originally she was on left-wing WBAI. I think the WABC programmers’ thinking in letting her go and replacing her with Behar was they got someone with more mainstream political views (back then, actually, Behar didn’t know bupkis from politics or current events and was 99% a “comedian”) but another woman with a similarly “annoying” voice conservatives would tune in to to hate …
The Armin Meiwes case was “really really freaky”. This case is just sad. Maybe CSI and Law and Order have desensitized me to the point where not a whole lot strikes me as “freaky” anymore.
The media are reporting he stabbed the man 50 times; that’s pretty dark.
Ohhhhh yeah… Lynn. I liked her (marginally) more than Behar, though I can’t say why. Maybe she reminded me of my upper-upper-west side neighbor, so struck me as more genuine. Don’t know.
To me, the best host ABC ever had was Lionel. My god was that man a genius and as funny as Rush is bombastic. A little more conservative/libertarian than I, but completely non-partisan and exceedingly rational. If I could choose any celeb to be a closet Doper, he’d be my choice.
He’s around somewhere, but since I don’t commute I can’t listen.
Say it aint so.
No, this is really, really freaky.