"Get Fuzzy" cartoonist slipped this one by today -

Yes he did -

Very slick.


Without that pun, it’s not really funny at all. :slight_smile:

That’s my daily comic. It was slickly done. I’m waiting to use that one myself.

Even with it. Too contrived. People don’t commonly say, “I’ve been deterred.”

True, but it’s a sociopathic cat making this pronouncement, not a person.

Like all his humor? :slight_smile:

I’m missing the pun. 'Splainy?

Deterred / de nicest = the turd / the nicest

So, the funny thing is that he says a word, that sort of sounds like “turd” (especially in light of the changed pronounciation of “the” in the last panel)? Because that doesn’t seem funny to me, unless you find the word “turd” inherently funny.

Or maybe the funny thing is that the dog is very subtly insulting the cat, in a way the cat certainly won’t realize?

The funniest comic that is printed in my home paper.
This guy is at a Calvin and Holmes level.

I didn’t get it when I looked at the comic. But this is it? Really? That’s awful and not really funny.

Now that’s a combo I haven’t thought of before!

Calvin: Yet consider now, whether women are not quite past sense and reason, when they want to rule over men.

Holmes: The fair sex is your department.

Yeah, where’s the joke? So he used a word that sounds like another word. So what?. That’s not a pun, unless you can connect the two uses somehow.

If the site the cat wanted to set up was a fetish/scat site, OK, then you would have a pun, but there’s no indication of that. All that’s there is a Bevis & Butthead-style, “He, he, you said turd”.

Reported for redundancy.

I still don’t get it.

You don’t have to get all Aspergery over it, it was just a little throwaway word play.

That’s “slipping one by”? That’s “slick”? I’d call it forced, awkward, and unfunny.

Hehe. You said “turd”. Hehe.

“Get Fuzzy” is one of the comics that I never gother wasting time reading in our morning paper. This is a good illustration of why.