Get off your cross, Giraffe

Can giraffes fly like Peter O’Toole?

Save yourself, Big G! You can do it!

What noise does a Giraffe make when it sneezes?


What nut do discerning Giraffe’s prefer?


You did not see an apostrophe in this former English teacher’s last post.

Did not.

::: Points at apostrophe and laughs. :::

I am certain that Giraffe wrote a very clear post telling Ellis Dee precisely where to put his sports OPs.

But he restrained himself.

This is the silliest Pit thread I’ve ever read.

Dude, only do the green stuff!!! The brown blotter’s got strychnene in it!!!

You mean, the apitstrophe?

This persistent pursuit of puns is positively pithological.

Pith off.

Look at what you started, tomndebb. LOOK!! The puns! The horrible, horrible puns!

If you had even a shred of human decency, you would be ashamed of yourself right now.

Human decency? I’m a Mod.

Besides, puns are the only form of humor that do not rely on disparaging people. We should embrace them as the highest form of humor.

I certainly think that no one in this thread has been PUNished by the wordplay.

Now you’re just puntificating.

I’m personally hoping it continues for quite a while – the Google ads for plush Little Giraffe toys are intriguing.

Unless you count the person telling the pun.

Well the Google ad I’m getting says, worryingly, The One Prophesised by all.

What, has the Great Urinal Sandwich incident already passed from the boards’ collective conciousness?

Ellis Dee - Hey, I had a thread moved, and you don’t hear me grumbling about it!

Um, if you were trying to drum up sympathy for your cause…well, you failed.

Sorry, bub, can’t win 'em all.

(If you’re looking for a place where the mods never do anything, there’s always DDRFreak. Of course, you probably won’t like what that leads to… :smiley: )

Mine is "Buy the new book “How Democrats Can Take Back Congress’ today!”

We’ve developed an algorithm that targets your politcal bent. And, can target it in like a laser-guided 500 lb. bomb. :slight_smile:

We save that up for special occasions, that and the 13 year old.

I’ve just had a thread moved, twice. Not that I’m suggesting the mods don’t know what they are doing. Not me, no.