Get out of my head President Trump!

I’m not even American and he’s pretty much unavoidable but now he’s started invading my dreams!

In the dream I was having a meal with my brother at a fancy restaurant or some sort of formal reception (not quite as weird as it sounds, he works overseas and I don’t see him that often, but I’ve certainly never done that to catch up with him) both of us dressed up to the nines and sitting in a side area with padded seats. There was a mutter of surprise around the room and who else but Donald Trump comes in and takes a table close by. He starts holding forth and generally being a blowhard. At this point I have my laptop out and I’m completing some work (dream remember) and Trump loudly comments about how rude it is not to pay attention when someone is speaking. He has a point so I put my laptop away and he continues talking.

After a while my brother leans forward and whispers, “I wonder if he’ll be impeached?”

“I don’t think so”, I reply

A few moments later and there are Secret Service agents at our table and Trump squeezes in beside me, uncomfortably close. “Interesting conversation you and your partner are having”

“He’s my brother”

“Well I’m sure you wouldn’t mind sharing it with the room?”, he gestures around, its pin quiet and everyone in the hall is listening.

“I would actually, its a private conversation”

He raises his eyebrows and at this moment my alarm goes off waking me, convenient but I suppose I wouldn’t even have remembered the dream if I hadn’t been woken up in the middle of it. Though it really was saved by the bell!

For the record I’m no fan of Trump but I don’t think he’s a complete monster either. This was an extremely vivid and realistic feeling dream though so there’s obviously something in my subconcious trying to get out. I wonder what would have happened if the dream had continued, The Donald didn’t seem very impressed with me. :confused:

He was just about to congratulate you on your honesty and forthrightness, pay for your meal and throw your brother in jail. Sorry you missed that part, your brother put up quite a fight!

Could have been worse. Could have been a sex dream.

Brain bleach, please…

Poor Neil, he’s always talking when he should be listening… :confused:

Eeeeeeeewwwww…OK I’m just about to go to bed, I don’t think I’ll sleep tonight!

It could inspire you to write a song: “President Trump, Get Out Of My Mind”

“if you listen or WATCH the BBC” sorry can’t edit title
Listened to BBC the other night, and Trump was in almost every topic and in between programs, there were ads about programs he WAS going to be talked about, in. I must say that every single mention of the word “Trump” was always matched up with words like “bigot” and “hate” and any kind of derogatory word or term you can think of. The media bashing of him is downright ludicrous.

PS- didn’t vote for him, but I never, not once, ever associated that man with bigotry, hatred, or white supremacists. Only the media’s insistence that he is. I have yet to this day been able to figure out how people get that from him. Anyway, that’s all.

Really? What Trump have you been watching?

His opening campaign comments were hateful, racist attacks on Mexicans being rapists and criminals. He is endorsed by every White supremist organization, and refuses to denounce them. His Breibart buddy, now part of his staff, deals in blatant race baiting routinely on his scummy website. Mr Trump was convicted of discriminating against people of colour when renting housing.

Still can’t understand where people get a ‘hateful, racist, bigot’, vibe from? Yeah, must be the biased press just making things up! Yeah, yeah, that MUST be it!

And I complain about my bad dreams… actually I’d find having one featuring Trump, to be at least an interesting novelty !

That is luckily not something that happens to me. My dreams are almost always set in some indistinct past. Usually I’m in school–even if it’s high school and I’m secretly older than everyone else. Often I see people I knew in high school.

Then again, I do keep my exposure a lot lower than I did during the election. That was before, when I’d been quite optimistic that he’d be gone.

I actually tend to avoid actually listening to the man speak. I just wait for the relevant quotes later. Or I skip to the joke if I’m listening to comedy. Not hearing his voice helps a lot in not having anything to dream about, I suspect.

Well thankfully my dreams since have been Trump free!

Every so often I dream that its been discovered that I failed GCSE German (I didn’t, and GCSE’s are exams in the UK sat when you are about 15 or 16) so every qualification I’ve achieved since has been rendered void and I have to go back to sit an entire year of secondary school to do the exam again…uuuggghhh and I hated school…

Yes it was certainly different, though he ruined a really good meal. :stuck_out_tongue:

heh believe me you don’t want to hear me sing :wink:

I dream of Donny with the sparse bad hair