Get slim doing nothing??

This is great…
what is this world coming to? Seriously…

slmming effect?

Well I got fat sitting around in my underwear doing nothing so I should be able get slim that was as well.

not that I would mind… it would help me save $65 dollars a month for my gym… but I just don’t think it works like that?

what is next a belt that will give you abs just by wearing it??(kidding)

Well, the doing nothing idea could work–if it included not eating. :slight_smile:

People really want a magic spell that will make them thin.

Well, I think it’s possible to BE slim while doing nothing.
Everyone knows rail-thin couch potatos.
GET slim, though? Nahhh…

Frankly, though, whether or not it’s possible is about the LEAST
disturbing aspect of that article.

Well, if you don´t mind your undies smelling of fennel… ugh

well… with some people… that may be an improvement…