Get Smart, Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Are there any plans to release Get SMart and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. as DVD sets?

I know that “Get Smart” has unusual syndication rules. The pilot and the final season can only be repeated so many times, so they must be owned by a different person than the rest of the series.

Not that anyone needs to watch the final season, it wasn’t anywhere near the quality of the earlier seasons.

The Get Smart pilot was the only episode shot in B&W.

It switched to CBS for the last season.

Looks like there is a petition for Get Smart on DVD - 4310 people so far.

If “Get Smart” doesn’t make it to DVD, it’s likely that Mel Brooks may become destitute!

Shouldn’t we summon up the Cone of Silence to discuss this?

I named my pet cat Illya Kuryakin back then. I was (am) a dork.