Get Your Custom-Made Film/Theater Genres Here, courtesy of phouka!

No tagbacks. If you were a film or theater genre, what kind would you be? phouka’s just ITCHING to answer your question!

“I go on guilt trips a couple of time a year. Mom books them for me.” A custom made Wally .sig!

My iguana's sick.
He's all floppy. Could he have
Reptile dysfunction?
                  -Chef Troy, Haiku Master

Truly, I deserve this. Ah, it’s good to be evil.

Come on, guys. Bring it on.

Me first! Me first! :slight_smile:

Thou shalt resist the Olson Twins.

Yeah, sure, I’ll bite.

Blessed are the Fundamentalists, for they shall inhibit the earth.

Go for it!

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Trout Mask Replica: DIY rockabilly bass boatin’ theater.

Breckinshire: Moi Aussi provincial films.

Sealemon: Citrusy intellectual Buster Keaton vids.

Well, I already suspect what mine will be, but go ahead . . .

I am a complete sucker for these threads. I feel no shame in admitting this.

Well, honey just tastes better when it comes from a bear’s head.

Eve, darling, your film genre is the Classy, Sardonic Femme Fatale with stocking seams perfectly straight.

Only available in black and white film noire.

ok. Do it to me.

** Sigh. So many men, so few who can afford me ** Original by Wally

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Occupation: Temptress
Location: Ultra, California
Interests: surpluses, excesses, abundances, extras, lagniappes
profile by UncleBeer

Who am I to resist?

Thank you, sweetie—now hand me my lipstick and pistol, will you? I have things to do . . .

Mullinator: The ahction/ahdventure movie with the lahrge muscle bound man who wears only the torn tank top but always has the best comeback.

Ultress: You are the pre-sound glittering, silvery science fiction epic.

Moosiegirl: You are the innocent-but-spunky-civilian caught in a clandestine battle between good and bad guys. You trounce the baddies and show the good guys up for their lack of spunkiness.

Yep, I’m hooked. Bring it on! Pwetty Pwease?

Mr. Cynical: you are the schmaltzy kid movie that actually turns out to have a good plot.

Please tell me - I need something to see this friday.

Give mine a try?


Too new to know better…

St. Chrisbar: Patron Saint of Newbies who have already caught on to the fact that nothing else matters, as long as your post count is high.
Courtesy of SwimmingRiddles

Good one, Oh Evil Phouka!

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

OK, I’ll hop on the bandwagon, too.

Spiritus Mundi: you are the irreverent religious comedy that manages to offend all the right people. They’re picketing you right now. :wink:

chrisbar: You are the SNL castmember flick that is logarhythically funnier than the TV show.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good dipped in chocolate.