Get your fucking act together!

Department Head: You took a position with a Canadian university. You did it because they gave you a better deal than this bunch of Ivory Tower idiots. Stop saying how guilty you feel! It was naïve of you to think that we would all follow you to the Great White North. Right now, this University has pulled the money it gave you to stay here and we’re quickly running out of funds. Would it fucking kill you to stay in town and help your graduate students and employees finish their projects? Maybe help them find positions elsewhere? Fuck! It wouldn’t hurt if you told us when you’re going to be out of town. Quite complaining about shutting down and moving on. You made an adult decision, now live with the consequences!

Boss: Answer your god-damned email!! Answer our fucking phone calls!! I know it’s busy at the hospital, but you’re the Principal Investigator, we need you. If you truly want to stay in research, start fucking acting like a PI!

University: You’re the biggest bunch of fucking morons I have ever encountered. That’s saying a lot since I was a Marine brat and grew up in Louisiana. You’re pouring millions of dollars into this new research center, but you don’t have the money to pay for staff! By the way, we can’t drink the water here at this state-of-the-art RC. Water samples are full of lead and copper. :mad:

So, did you ever hear back from these guys?


I’m going to sit here and wait for you to hear back from Louisiana.

Soon as one of them sharpens their crayon.
Threw that in so you don’t take ALL the heat. :wink:

Yes. They asked me back for a second interview. My boss is listed as a reference, but he hasn’t sent them ANYTHING. His inaction may have cost me a job. :mad:

In hindsight, I should not have said that. :frowning: Hopefully FormerMarineGuy and LouisiDopers are understanding.

Still extremely angry . . . gritting teeth Murder is illegal. Murder is illegal.

HD’s lab and ours had a meeting. It was very tough. We chose experiments that can be finished by the end of the year. A lot of work is being abandoned. (The experiments are iffy anyway. No results back on the parvo virus tests. We may all be pissing in the wind.)

DH and Dr. Boss are no where to be seen. :mad:

Fuck 'em both! DH is dropping his bomb in our laps and running off to be Big Dr. Immunology. Dr. Boss better pull is head out of his ass. Rob the Aussie and I don’t have the authority - or power - to cover the administrative, finacile and political aspects of the lab.
