Get Your Paws off My Husband, You Little Slut!

Nuzzling his ear, lying in his arms purring, with your hairy little arms around his neck - you think I don’t see what’s going on? You think I haven’t caught you lying with him in my bed? You think I don’t see the scratches you leave? I know that you were his first love, and I’ll always be the Jane-come-lately, but he’s mine now, do you hear me? You just get your claws out of him.

Yup, I guessed right. :smiley:

Cat fight!


One hell of a simulpost - almost IDENTICAL! :slight_smile:

featherlou, I am SO with you. The stupid dog (whom I love, but yeesh - I have limits) that I got for my SON, for a Christmas present, is now my soon to be ex (if he doesn’t pay more attention to me that that damn dog)-husband’s new wife (I’m thinking of charging her in the divorce action with alienation of affection or something :wink: .) If I go over to the table and sit on his lap and snuggle with him, she’s got her big old face right there getting between us.

On top of it, she’s a jumper. She has to jump up on him between us to get me away from him. If I even TRIED nibbling one of my hubby’s ears in front of her, she’d probably kill me and bury me in concrete somewhere. She HATES it when he pays attention to me. I swear, she’s going to grow opposable thumbs just to spite me.

What’s even worse, is that I’m the one who keeps her in Milk-Bones - he NEVER remembers them or dog food when we go to the store. Ungrateful bitch. And she can BITE ME if she thinks she’s getting any pork chops and mashed potatoes tonight - it’s cold here in Chicago, but hell ain’t frozen over yet.

Maybe I should snatch the husband’s power tools and build them a little doggy condo out in the backyard - they can share it! :smiley:

i now return you to the “Days of our Pets”…

Mmmmm . . . ménage à dog . . .

Does she blatantly stick her butt in the air when he pets her? :slight_smile:

Must… resist… doggie style … joke…

Featherlou, my deepest sympathies. I too know the pain of seing another girl in my man’s arms. The other day she was actually in BED with him, curled spoon-fashion against his stomach, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!

She’s shameless, SHAMELESS, I say! She sits against his legs, rubs her head on his cheek and actually KISSES him, without any regard for my feelings AT ALL! And the worst part is, she does it in front of our KIDS!

(zoogirl breaks down in helpless sobs.)

And…and… oh, the indignity…(sniff)


(zoogirl hangs her head in helpless shame and howls for a few minutes.)

Where’s Jerry Springer when you need him?

(Bookitten, here kitty-kitty…)

Now, now, (oh good lord, that is way too close to “bow wow” isn’t it? Maybe I should just go by myself a collar and get the romance back!) - I don’t mean to suggest that something untoward is going on between the bitch and the easily led (you figure out who’s who :wink: ) - just that for a freakin hairball who sheds all over my carpeting is taking over my husband (who also sheds all over my carpeting) is just a bit much!

I’m digging myself even deeper in here, aren’t I?

Screw it - time to go make dinner - “Woof Woof honey - here I come!!”

Don’t go there people, don’t go there. All us bitches need some validation! :wink:

I meant “buy” myself I collar.

Hell - I can’t get myself out of this in any way, shape, or form, can I?

I had to read the OP twice.

You made me smile. Shame on you! :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

Absolutely not! :smiley:

Hee - I was sitting here in my room, surfing away, when Jim came in with Her Royal Highness in his arms (she allows her Royal Servant to carry her around); I looked over, and there she was, nibbling on his ear with her little kitty arms around his neck. Jim and I had a good laugh writing this OP. :smiley:

For the record, my little Max (also known to some as “Bitey” and others as “Monster Kitty”) has been unquestioningly faithful to me since she was six weeks old and she’ll always be my special little girl. But featherlou is still my sweet baby and it’s her that I spend my nights with, not the “other woman.”

Ooops, gotta go; my fuzzy widdle girl needs a wubbsie on her headums!