I had lately been joking about wanting (but secretly wishing for) an Xbox One for Christmas and the wife got one on Black Friday for me.
I’m not that much of a gamer. I tend to like COD, Fallout and zombie games and that’s about it. I did like Fable 2 but felt cheated by Fable 3.
Being comfortably nestled into my 360 for years now and not really expecting a new game system, I feel kind of out of the loop.
Any recommendations for games either out now or out shortly (that fit my interests)?
Also, any tips or tricks for acclimating to the new system–the voice command thing seems a bit odd to me.
Wait, you can watch TV on the Xbone? Really, TV? TV?
Yeah, sorry OP, maybe some time in the future good exclusives will come out but for now, pretty much every good game you can play on the Xbone, you can play on either the 360 or PC.
I know that developing for a console that isn’t built yet is difficult but you’d think the console makers would work hard to give fence sitters a reason to opt for their console in the first year considering the network effects of being the more popular console.
But yeah, like they said, there isn’t very many exclusives that are must have. Master Chief Collection 's online portion is currently broken. You missed a great sale where you could have gotten Titanfall Delux for 12 bucks.
I’ve been playing a lot of Far Cry 4 right now. I never really played the 3rd one, so complaints about it just being a rehash don’t affect me.
I heard great things of Shadow of Mordorr. I have it but haven’t played it yet (I jumped on it because it was only 25 bucks).
Depends on what you value. If you’re looking for a deep and engrossing story, Destiny doesn’t have it. If you’re looking for developing a character with particular skills and gear that fit your playstyle, Destiny is excellent for that. It’s not an RPG, but it combines RPG elements with a space-combat-FPS game.
Frankly, I’m sick and tired of hearing people refer to “stats going up” as “RPG elements”. That’s hogwash and a complete mischaracterization. Stats go up in all kinds of games and it has nothing to do with being an RPG.
If I were to pull the trigger on a gen 4 console, I would have to get a copy of COD: AW and GTA V. They may be on other consoles also, but you’re going to have a Xbone so why not take advantage of the better graphics.
You should also get a copy of the Borderlands Pre-Sequel. I hear it can be pretty challenging, so that should be a welcome change of pace from BL 2 if you’ve played it before.
Also for the Horror genera, Alien: Isolation is great, I cant recommend it enough. Gone are the days of AI fish, now we have AI aliens, though side effects include sudden onset incontinence.
Evolve should be pretty good, and the footage I’ve seen of it seems amazing. I would definitely plan on picking up a copy.
I don’t know about you personally, but I would shy away from Titanfall. Once the gimmick is played out it seems to take a second seat to COD:AW.
I generally don’t like shooters (I’ve previously never played any for any duration) - but I really like* Destiny*. The mechanics and graphics are great, the learning curve is good, and while it isn’t an rpg, the character customization is fun and the biggest thing it has in common with rpgs (specifically, mmorgs) is LOOT, which is a nice carrot to keep working for. The online play is a lot of fun and the XBox One has great built in communication (headset plugs into controller and basically just works, no fiddling around). I play with my brother and nephew and it’s awesome (I probably would have gotten bored with it by now if I didn’t have them to play with, but I’ve played the crap out of it).
More recently, I’ve been playing the crap out of Dragon Age Inquisition, which is an rpg, and an awesome one. I loved DAO and hated DA2, so was thrilled when I loaded up Inquisition and found it addressed all of the shortcomings of DA2, imo, and then some. Great stuff.
I played a little *Shadows of Mordor *and thought it was just OK - cool story and lore, but the mechanics get fairly repetitive.
No, it isn’t. There’s nothing exotic about the new consoles - the xbox’s weird ESRAM solution may be the only thing. But otherwise they’re just the same old x86 and GCN gpu architecture that is ubiqitous and extremely common respectively. They knew the target hardware - there was nothing weird like PS4’s cell processor this generation.
This, incidentally, is why we’re not going to see much of a jump in gaming capabilities with this generation. With the last gen, developers had to experiment and get better at coding things for weird architectures, so as they got better with it, they got more efficient with coding later in the cycle. This time around the stuff that comes out near the console’s launch will be almost as good as the final titles for this generation - x86/GCN is very well understood already by every developer.
Edit: Well, there’s one thing that’ll improve - everyone is going to have to try to get better at multithreading where possible because going with 8 extremely low power cores was an awful design choice. Tablet CPUs are going to overtake consoles within this generation. Possibly phones too, depending on how long they try to drag this one out.