What should I know? It came bundled with Halo 5. I’ll probably also pick up Battlefront. What other games are a must?
Destiny. The legendary edition with all 3 expansions is currently $40. Be prepared for your other games to gather dust though. It’s like Halo if Halo was designed by a crack dealer.
If you do pick it up, let me know. There’s a bunch of refer-a-friend exclusive items you can get. (which will all seem pretty silly if I explain them to someone who isn’t already an addict)
Forza Motorsport 6
Elite: Dangerous
I second Destiny. Great game. Battlefront has been a disappointment to me and it’s the reason I bought the system to begin with. It seems very one dimensional though the graphics and sounds are pretty amazing.
But Fallout 4 has had me entranced for the past couple of weeks.
Are you a newbie to the Fallout franchise? I am.
Yes, I’ve never played any RPG before as I’ve always been a FPS guy. Destiny was a good bridge from a straight shooter to a more RPG type game like Fallout for me.
Ori and the Blind Forest is a gorgeous, gorgeous game.
im on PS4, most of my time has been spent on Destiny, now only raiding can help me there im spending more time on Fallout 4. Batman and Witcher 3 gathering dust!
I’m to the point where I need to do the Raid but I just can’t get into it. I have trouble playing the game for long enough to get through it. Kind of a drag because I enjoy everything except the raids pretty thoroughly.
For the raids, it’s all about having good people to play with. I cannot recommend this site enough for hooking you up with a team of like-minded players: the100.io
Also, with a decent team, they shouldn’t be long slogs. On normal mode, the raids are typically 30 minutes to an hour, with Crota’s End being the shortest and King’s Fall being the longest. Hard mode can be a chore though. It takes an exceptional team to get through Hard Mode raids in a similar timeframe.
- Return it
- Buy a PS4
- ???