Getting "Sticky Stuff" Out of a Dog's Fur???


This morning I put my Papillons outside to potty; I don’t know HOW or why, but my young hooligan Bunny somehow got tangled up with a fly strip. I had several hanging around to help keep flies out of the house and I assume one of them fell, and Bunny, being Bunny, HAD to investigate.

So now her chest & belly is all gummy with brown sticky stuff. Any sugestions on how to get it out?

Vegetable oil.

I once had to remove a parakeet from the fly strip.

Oh, poor bird!! Was it ok?

I called my vet and he reccomended using rubbing alcohol; it’s worked pretty well but not completely. I’ll break out the vegtable oil! Thanks!

He was fine.:smiley: We rescued him before he got too tangled up.

The package for the fly strips actually called for the vegetable oil. Of course, a shampoo will soon be in order.:slight_smile:

I was going to suggest Goo Gone followed immediately by a bath, but if veg oil will do the job, so much the better.

Goo Gone is pretty non-aggressive and non-toxic, but almost everyone has vegetable oil in the kitchen.

I was going to suggest a professional groomer. I had my vet recommend one to me, and I’m very happy with them. It’s only around 20 bucks for a maintenance visit. The first big shave and bath was uhh, 35 or 40 bucks I think.

Any way, good luck!

I think vegetable should do the trick. I’ve used it on all kinds of adhesives.