[li]The Tell-Tale Heart Incident: circa 1978A.D.[/li]
When I was eight or nine years old, I awoke in the middle of the night, for reasons I do not recall. (most likely, I had to pee) While lying awake in bed, I became aware of a faint, odd, rhythmic sound. It was indistinct, at first, but quite noticeable. With each successive rhythm, the sound grew louder. About thirty seconds into this montage, I realized what the sound was, or at least, what it sounded like: a human heartbeat! The sound was coming from the basement, directly under my room!
I scurried out of my room, in terror, and awoke my mother, then told her about the sound. It was still beating, louder and louder. She got out of bed, went to the top of the basement stairs, and listened. She heard it too, and it gave her quite a startle. Of course, there was no way my mom, or I, was going to actually go downstairs and see what it was. My father was sound asleep, and we didn’t try to wake him up, since he wouldn’t have cared about the sound anyway, and more than likely would have become angry for waking him up for something so “trivial.” My mom and I each went back to bed, and went to sleep. How I made myself go back to sleep I will never know. I do however, seem to recall scrunching a pillow over my head so I couldn’t hear it so much.
We never did find out what the heartbeat sound was, or exactly where it had been coming from, in the basement. It only happened that one time. I have no siblings, so it could not have been a practical joke. The oddest part of this story is that my mother has nearly no recollection of the event. She recalls something spooky happening but not the details, thereof. Apparently, she seems to have blocked it out from her memory. This would make sense, as my mother is very uncomfortable with potentially paranormal phenomena.
[li]** The Parasol Lady**[/li]
This happened around the same time as the “Tell-Tale Heart” thing. I always used to sleep with my bedroom door open. My room opens into the kitchen. I was lying awake in bed one night, and I clearly saw the translucent figure of a woman, dressed in 1800’s style clothing walk past my door in the kitchen. She was wearing one of those big frilly/lacy hoop dresses, full-length gloves up to her elbows, wearing a big brimmed white hat, and carrying a white lace parasol over her shoulder. All of her clothing was white. I didn’t see her face clearly behind the big hat, but what I could see of her skin, was a pale blue color. I never saw her again after that. The odd thing is, my house is only 70 years old. So why would an 1800’s ghost be here? :eek:
[li]Count Dracula Visits My House[/li]
Again, I was about nine years old. In the summertime, my parents would let me stay up as late as I wanted, and I would often be up ‘til about midnight or one, watching the late movie on local TV.
One night I was watching a vampire movie, I seem to recall it may have been one of those Hammer/Christopher Lee ones. Anyways, the movie was getting too scary for me, so I wanted to turn the channel and watch something else. I got up, and turned the dial on the TV. Click, different channel, same movie. Try again, click, different channel, same movie. Mind you the channel couldn’t have been simply stuck, as this was one of the old turn-the-clicking-channel-dial TV sets. Ok, keep trying, click, click, click… all the same horror movie, and at the same part of the movie, on every channel! This happened during the scary part of the movie too! I couldn’t take it anymore, so I pushed the off button. Click, power off, movie is still playing! Click click click, it won’t turn off! I had to pull the plug from the wall, to make it go away! :eek:
[li]The Shooting Star[/li]
A lot of things happened to me when I was around 8-9 years old, and this, was one of the scariest of all for me as a child.
It was summer, and my bed was aside the window. I was lying awake looking out at the stars, when I saw a shooting star fleeting across the sky. I had never seen one, so I excitedly got up to look out the window at it. That’s when IT happened…
The windows of my room face the neighbors’ house, which is only 12 feet away. The neighbor’s house has a room on the rear corner, with two very large plate glass picture windows. These windows are about 4 feet high x 3 feet wide and do not open. At the time, the people who lived there never drew the curtains on these windows, so one could easily look in and see nearly the whole room. There was a rocking chair sitting directly in front of the window facing my room.
As I attempted to see my shooting star, and make a wish on it, I noticed something moving in that window. I looked over and sheer terror struck me. The rocking chair was rocking by itself! These people had no kids, no pets, and there was no way it the wind, as the windows did not open. There were no lights on over there, so I knew the people were probably asleep. I stood and watched the chair continue to rock by itself, for almost a whole minute, before I ran away.
I ran to my parents’ room, and woke up my mother. I told her about the chair rocking itself, and she got up and looked. It was still rocking! We each went back to bed after my mom calmed me down.
The next day, I made my mom ask the neighbors about it. They said they didn’t know what it was, or could’ve been, and that they were in bed when it happened. No one would talk about it beyond that. I’m not sure why this incident scared me so badly, but it did. Maybe because it was my mom saw it too, and I knew I wasn’t seeing things.
[li]The Warehouse[/li]
Fast forward about eight years, to when I was about 16-17. I have always had a thing for bicycling late at night, and this was around the time I first began doing so.
I was riding around late one night, in a neighborhood I wasn’t familiar with, when I found this warehouse. There was nothing particularly interesting about it, other than the fact I had never known it was there.
This building is a square-shaped structure, somewhat resembling a horseshoe. In the center of the “horseshoe” is a large parking lot. Curious to see what was inside the lot, I rode my bike inside. Immediately after crossing the threshold, I began to feel very uneasy. I saw a window with a light on inside. The window was painted over or covered with something, but light shone through. I was going to go try to look through it, but my uneasiness, turned to sheer fear for my life. Something inside of my gut said, “DON’T go up to that window! Get the fuck out of here, NOW!” And I did just that. I hopped on my bike and pedaled as hard as I could. It would be about a week later, before I found out why I had this horror strike.
A week or more had passed, and I was watching the local TV news. They were doing an expose on local occults. They named the very warehouse I had been at, as “Satan’s Hollow” and that it was home to one the largest and most notorious of the Satanic cults in the area. No wonder I had such a feeling of terror strike me. If I had went up to that window, and been caught by one of the cultists, who knows what would’ve/could’ve happened to me! :eek:
When my parents separated, my mom and I went and lived at my grandmother’s house for 4 years. After the divorce was finalized, my mom and I got to move back home, and dad went to an apartment.
It was after we returned back home, that Spot showed up. No, Spot is not a dog, cat, or any other pet. What is Spot? Well, keep reading.
Ever have that feeling that you’re being watched? The feeling is so intense it almost penetrates your soul? Well when you get that feeling in our house, you know Spot is nearby.
I first noticed Spot while lying in bed one night. I was laying there, belly-flopped, in bed, thinking about stuff, when suddenly I got “that” feeling. It made me very uncomfortable. I rolled my eyes, to look behind me, and I saw Spot. Up near where the wall and ceiling meet, looking down on me, were two blank white spots. It is almost like the cartoons where the lights go out and only the characters eyes are still visible. They are eyes. There are no irises or pupils. Just blank white spots, the exact distance apart of a humans eyes, and same size. It vanished as soon as it knew I had seen it. Spot likes to play games. He likes hide and seek. If he knows, that you know he is there, and have seen him, he immediately vanishes every time.
I didn’t think much of it at first, nor did I say anything about it. Spot would visit me from time to time, uninvited, for many years to come. It wasn’t until about a year after my initial sighting of Spot, that I talked about him. I mentioned it to my mom, the feeling of being watched, and seeing the eyes behind me. She admitted that she too, had encountered the same thing, and that Spot had visited her as well. She even said the same thing about Spot showing up at the wall/ceiling point.
I haven’t seen Spot for years, now. That’s fine with me. I keep a night light on in my room, even though I am 30 yrs old, to keep Spot away. He only shows up in total darkness. The other bad thing about Spot is, if you talk about him in the house, he will show up shortly thereafter. Therefore, mom and I make a point of not discussing Spot in the house.
I have many more stories to tell, but I digress. One in particular, is so frightening, that I try to discuss it as little as possible, however, I am surprised to hear that others have had similar experiences.