I have been working my way through “Gilmore Girls” on DVD since (checks Neflix historyOMFG) February, and am now halfway through the sixth season. Obviously I’m enjoying it, though there are times when I just want to slap Lorelai silly (there really are limits to the charms of winsomeness, you neurotic bitch).
I’ve heard various remarks here and there that the last season, the seventh, isn’t up to the others – and I need to know, how bad is it? Is it “not as good, but go ahead and watch it for completeness” bad, or is it “do yourself a favor and pretend they never made a seventh season” bad?
In other words – am I almost done with GG, or not?
My opinion of course, but watch the last season. However, I think it really shows that the show’s creator wasn’t there at the end, as I don’t think there was much character consistency, especially towards the last few episodes.
Jo Kerrwoman and I were “Gilmore” nuts via Netflix. I had heard about the dreaded seventh season downward trend as well and was seriously considering skipping it.
Fortunately Kerrgirl#1 had seen them during their regular run and convinced me to keep going. I had the “Rory and Lorelai, you guys make really bad choices” moments throughout the entire series, but I have to say I found the seventh season to be as enjoyable as the rest. In fact, much of the stuff that happened during the seventh season was not as unbelievable as the whole “Rory helped steal a boat and now needs a break from school” storyline, which I personally thought was the low point. The supporting characters all hung on and kept things interesting. And I think you’ll really thank yourself when you see how it all turns out.
No, this is what I wanted to know – and I think I’ll stay with it. Sometimes a good series goes completely to hell in the last season – yikes, after the creator left? I didn’t realize that was what happened, my “this sucks” impression was completely by osmosis. It sounds like y’all are agreed that it’s more a matter of “not the best season but watchable,” so I guess I shall persevere.
Unless a bunch of people come in and say otherwise – contradictory opinions are still welcome.
Blasphemy! There are no limits to Lorelai’s charms! Anyway, I think the letdown of the seventh season was mostly due to everyone knowing that the creator was gone and expecting it to suck and not have the patented super fast dialogue. In truth, while there was some drop off, and I didn’t care for some of the final storylines, it wasn’t that noticeable to me. I think you should definitely stick it out.
This is a joke, right? (Seriously, I can’t tell if I’m being whooshed here or what.) I have really had to grit my teeth a few times to keep going with the show when she gets too out of hand. It’s not always the overall bad decisionmaking she demonstrates time after time, it’s the head-cocking “god, aren’t I adorable?” motormouth obnoxiousness she gets going on – usually with Luke, sometimes with her mother. “Winsome” doesn’t work well with anyone over the age of six – and despite Shirley Temple’s success, not all that well with someone under the age of six.
The only person whose neuroses are more apt to make my fingers twitch with the desire to put them around someone’s throat is fucking Sookie, who luckily we see a lot less of.
My 18 y-o is a huge GG fan. Watches or DVRs them on some channel around 5 p.m. Apparently they run in sequence and a week or so ago she watched the final ep. She enjoyed the last season. I’ll ask her tonight how she’d compare it to the previous ones.
(I’ve caught 5-10 minutes here and there. While there generally are moments I find amusing, I think there would be fewer times that I WOULDN’T want to slap that Lorelei…)
It was apparent to me at about season five that the writers were just churning the pot and that Lorelai and Rory were going to go on making bad decisions, just to keep the show going. So that killed my interest, and I quit watching.
The best part it is that you don’t have to deal with Rory, that’s future Mr. Peter Petrelli’s job. I was only a casual viewer, so maybe I’m misremembering, but I feel like what was clearly an abusive relationship was treated like true love on the rocks with a sexy bad boy.
Actually, that wasn’t a joke at all. As a straight man being roped into watching this show with my wife, Lauren Graham was the only reason I didn’t go running away screaming. She is smokin’.
I found the characters of Jess and Rorie to be 1,000 to 1,500 times more annoying than any other character on the show or any other show, ever. Frankly, I would have preferred it to be Gilmore Girl. In my dreams, Season 8 consisted entirely of Sylar stalking Rorie and Peter Petrelli, and eating their brains. Err, I’ve said too much…
I just finished the fourth season myself, and was wondering if it was worth going forward. I am pretty much completely annoyed with Rory at this point - ever since she went to college she is just not someone I look forward to watching a show about (and what was with the very episode or so of S4 where they show Jess all well adjusted with Luke and then five minutes later he’s a crazy possessive teen idealist again? Weird.) I am definitely with the poster that wishes it was just the Lorelai and friends program. I am also annoyed with how the relationship with the grandparents seems to progress and grow for an episode, but then it’s right back to “wah, we all hate each other!” like nothing ever occurred between them.
But I’m going to end up watching the whole thing anyway, since I’m weak like that. I do enjoy it for the most part.
When I started watching it I liked the snappy dialogue and the pop culture references.
I Stopped watching at the end of Season 4 and read enough recaps at Television Without Pity from later seasons that I’ve never regretted missing the rest. I’ve heard from more die hard fans of the show that Season 7 is a sort of apology for seasons 5 and 6, but it still isn’t as charming as the earlier seasons.
Watched a bunch from season six tonight, including the one where Lorelai, Luke, Rory, and Logan go to Martha’s Vineyard – which has to be the worst fucking episode in the whole series. (Written and directed by Daniel Palladino.) Seriously, five minutes of them going to the gym? WTF was that about?
Anyway, if nothing from season seven is any worse than that, I should be able to make it through season seven.
The absolute low-point of Glmore Girls, to me, concerns the extensions of Luke’s family in latter seasons: Liz, TJ and especially April, who just comes across as a Rory clone but without the charm but with added annoyance. Everytime I see any of them, I just groan. And I believe we see the most of them in season 6.
I don’t recall season 7 as sticking out for being too bad. Not as good as earlier seasons (3-4?) but not an unworthy ending, IMHO.
Interesting. I just saw some special features in the season 5 disk set where Keiko (Lane) says that the creator Amy (?) knows the last two lines of the show, not the season ending show but the entire show. So she said that she had a good feeling about that.
I also haven’t seen season 7 yet, but I looked at the story lines on a website and wasn’t all that impressed.
And after having watched all of the other 6 seasons, Rory started to bug me too. Her character seemed pretty inconsistent. If she had such a strong conscience that she couldn’t keep a library book, you’d think she’d feel more strongly about criminal action and adultery.
I’ll probably watch season 7 just because I got this far and I’m curious.