I noticed somthing when holding someone up close, by her arms - and then on another couple of girls - both mid-twenties…
Since then I’ve noticed that quite a few girls / women seem to have these tiny little pimples on the backs of their arms.
The people I’ve seen havn’t been unusually large/skinny etc.
?? Why is this?
What causes it? It’s only on girls, yes?
Is it stress related / genetic?
Is it part of regular acne or something else?
Have there been any studies into ‘spots on the backs of girls’ arms?’
i got them for a while back in my late teens (i’m a guy, by the way). if it’s what you are talking about, they aren’t pimples really. more like raised follicles.
i still have them, a little bit. and yeah, only on the side/back part of the upper arm. and also, i have noticed them quite a lot on girls.
so huh. i guess, i can’t answer your question. my bad.
Well, like this one time I got out of the shower and tried to dry off, but I just kept getting wetter. The more I’d rub the towel, the more I’d drip. It was really freaking me out, until I realized I was using the wrong side of the towel. :smack:
Its thought to be mainly genetic, very common to have some form of it, and more common amongst young women. No cure or real treatment but there are a number of “old-wives-cures” etc. YMMV
Oh doh, I meant to add that I am not a doctor!!
However, I am pretty sure that its KP you are referring to.
Many people “grow out of it”, but many don’t. As well as those who have a bit of it on the back of their arms there are those who have lots including facially etc. Upper arms, thighs and ass seem the most usual places tho.
I unfortunatly have picked my arms to bits thinking they were zits and that picking them was “letting the bad out” or some such. I felt for ages like I must be gross and horrible with my “spotty arms”, and had a lot of shame issues. Finding those links and a name for the whole thing chilled me out a lot and while I don’t actually do anything pro-active about it I at least no longer feel awful over it, I rekon when so many damned people have it, its not me thats the weirdo. I been going sleeveless for the first time since early teens this summer The sun seems to help them a lot too.
Might I stress again don’t pick? Picking these suckers scars you up real good, use a loofa or other exfoliating method in the shower once a week and a non-perfumed etc body moisturiser. Drink lots and lots of water. These guys are not about “oily skin” but on the contrary seem to be exacerbated by being too dry. Everyones problem with it seems to be very very different, but those two bits of advice seem to be common for most people.
Yep, I’ve got them. My mom did too, and they disappeared when she was in her forties.
Interestingly, I was once visiting my doctor for an unrelated rash. She brought in an African-American doctor who checked out the rash but was also curious about my arms. My regular doctor jokingly referred to it as a “white-girl thing” (she’s white). Anyone know whether there’s truth to this?
I know of a number of asians who have it, dunno about other shades of peeps tho. It is possible that it is less noticable on people with darker skin tones, since the redness shows up nice and bright against my whiter shade of pale skin.
As I was reading the description, I was thinking “Wow, now I know why the backs of my arms are like that!”, and then I went to feel back there only to discover, much to my suprise, the backs of my arms are as smooth as a baby’s bottom. I have no idea when they went away, but it must’ve been within the last six weeks, because my girlfriend made a comment about it the last time I saw her before she left on an extended business trip.