Glad to see the Republicans are still running Congress

White House appears ready to drop ‘public option’

I woke up to read this article - what the fuck?

Bowing to Republican pressure? Compromise with Republicans?

Newsflash to the Democrats: you are a fucking majority. You have a comfortable majority of Congresspeople in both houses and you have the president. You can pass any god damn thing you want with or without Republican support. Why the hell are you still sucking their cocks? Do you remember when you were a minority just a few years ago and they steamrolled all over your ass without giving a shit what you think? That’s what you’re supposed to do to them now.

Like a crappy parent, your brat-ass child is whining and moaning and generally making a big scene, and what do you do? You give them a fucking candy bar. Way to reward their shitty behavior.

But it isn’t simply Republican pressure, Obama could safely ignore that. He doesn’t have the all the Democrats on side, there lies the problem.

The Town Hall debates have served the Republicans well.

I’m not a Republican, but

Thank God for that.

A small but significant victory for liberty. I suspect the socialists will go home now and think up a new totalitarian plan. So the fight’s not over. It never is… when you’re dealing with socialists.

You forgot to cue the scary music.

How long do we have until the “socialists” come out with their next evil plan to prevent corporate greed from hurting poor people? We must prepare at once.

To the Rushmobile!

It is horrible that the lobbyists keep winning. The people will not be served until campaign contributions are stopped. Even Palin got a victory. When she pulled death panel out of her ass, the dems dropped the funding for doctors getting paid for end of life consultations. They are not controlling the message. The repubs are pouring money into the noise machines . The dems feel they politically need to get the health bill through, even if it is watered down so badly it fixes nothing. Letting it stay private will be a disaster.

I’m sorry that you live your life based on your personal cowardice. It must be tiring to snivel in the corner afraid all the time.

It’ll be alright. :frowning:

And that’s why the GOP–as rudderless, incompetent, and fear-mongering as they are–still get their way. Because they’re unified.

You forgot to put debates into quotes. Despite having some good points, I haven’t seen a single actual debate of the issues that has served the Republicans well. And they know it. But that has nevert been their primary strategy.

There’s a problem right there.
AP has not been acting as a simple news distributor on health care reform.
They’ve been pushing Republican lies.
I don’t have a lot of faith in Obama here, but I’ll still need to see the story repeated from more than one source before giving it much credence.

No free health insurance for you, NOT YOURS!

No, it’s a defeat for liberty. It’s not liberty for a corporation to be able to condemn you to death for profit.

Socilaism isn’t totalitarianism. And the bad guys here, the enemies of freedom and justice, are you and your fellow parasitic monsters. The people like yourself who want to take and take but never give and who treat everyone but themselves as enemies to be destroyed or victims to be preyed upon.

Song ain’t over yet Nancy. There’s still time to dance.

Crafter is a coward. You’re just a moron. :smiley:

I sent the following email to President Obama this morning:

I exchange services for money. How is that “taking”?

Also, you are the one who preys upon poor people. Your goal is to keep them firmly hooked to the government teat to insure that your group stays in power. I, on the other hand, want the government to treat everyone equally like a fully functional human.

I wish I had some hope, but we are talking about the Democrats. They always cave in, always give up, always let the Republicans have their way. I never really expected anything to be passed for that reason.

Blalron, you are a fucking idiot. I mean, “the corporations”? Come on, man, grow a fucking brain cell.

Because you gain an awful lot from society just by being here. Including the enviorment that makes those services possibile.

No, you want them to be exploited, to suffer and to die. They are dependant on the government because that is the only option, as demonstrated by history. You are on the side of the rich; so you want to keep the government from siding with the common people because thet’s the only effective source of power they have.

And you want the government’s sole function to be to destroy and oppress, especially those poor people who would be enslaved or killed by the policies you want and who would try to fight back. You want to strip all power from them but the power of violence, and then use them rising up as an excuse to mass murder them. You are typical Randian vermin.

76% of Americans want a public option. Whose interests are being represented if not corporate interests?

Even if it means that people go bankrupt and/or die from lack of health insurance.

You’re such an upright guy.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.”

It ain’t gonna happen all at once. For about twenty years, the Dems were reshaping themselves as Republican Lite, business-friendly, triangulated in the Clintonista way. The Dems aren’t the left wing, how many Wellstones can you count?

Health reform is a threat to Big Money, and Big Money protects itself with the ferocity of a rabid velociraptor. Who do you think is paying for the lies flowing out of your TV like electronic sewage?

But here’s the thing: the anti-reform guys have to sweep the table, they have to win everything, they are forced into a take-no-prisoners stance that does not afford them any opportunity for compromise, they must win all.

If there is any…any!..meaningful reform, people will benefit. And they will be grateful to the Dems. And so will their friends and relations. And they will remember who fought tooth and nail to stop them. And the people who benefit will fall into the Everybody demographic: white, black, northern, southern, gay, straight, curly-haired and bald.

That was the mistake, if there was one. Some Dems were expecting to have a reasonable discussion on wonk-turf, numbers, studies, reason, that sort of thing. They failed to take into account the sheer ferocity of money.

There will be health care reform simply because there has to be, either now, or later when it breaks down even more obviously. So either we win now, and the Dems get the credit, or it gets much worse, and the Pubbies get the blame.

From a realpolitik point of view, six of one against half-a-dozen. Only difference, is people are suffering right now, and we can help them. If they aren’t our people, these Americans, who’s people are they?