GMA, you bitch!

From the Monterey County Herald of Friday, May 4, 2001, page A2 {bolding brought to you by Monty}:

There you have it folks: the lady who UNCOSTITUTIONALLY seized power because HER SIDE WAS LOSING the case and WALKED OUT instead of accepting the CONSTITUTION thinks those who recognize the fact that her seizing power was illegal are “brainwashed.” Nice to see what she REALLY THINKS of the Philippine people. She’s right that they’re victims and not assailants. They’re her victims and she’s the one assailing the Philippine Constitution and the PHILIPPINE PEOPLE.

In other, not so recent news, the Philippine Supreme Court issued two contradictory decisions regarding President Estrada.

Oh, and let’s not forget that GMA has chucked two Active Duty Generals in prison without trial and one or two members of Congress also. She’s looking to chuck other officilas into the hoosegow too. All to ensure her buddies get to win in the upcoming congressional elections.

Hey, GMA, you bitch! Who’s corrupt again?

p.s. I checked to ensure there are no posters with the UserID of gma or GMA.

That sucks, man. I was hoping Century 21 would open up a little more rosy than the last one did.

Who’s corrupt? Erap. Duh.

And when GMA and her lackeys tried to prove it, all they could do was:
[li]muster invalid and contrived “evidence,”[/li][li]IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION by having the Articles of Impeachment sent to the Senate WITHOUT the REQUIRED vote, and[/li][li]WALK OUT of the Senate impeachment hearing when the Senators decided to FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION.[/list=A][/li]I’ll go with GMA being the corrupt one in this instance. Actually, I’ll go with her being the most corrupt one, since purt near all politicians in the Philippines demand bribes and purt near everyone who has anything to do with them pay bribes. Some of us who’ve had dealing with said politicians and so-called public servants in the Philippine government don’t pay the bribes and thus ARE NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM. Nor are we the recipients of the mandated government services but at least we didn’t cave into the bribe giving.