Who wrote it? Who sang the most-popular (most airplay) version of it?
It Ain’t Me Babe is the name of it. Dylan wrote it. The Turtles made it a hit. And no, I didn’t look it up.
Johnny Cash had a successful version of it. Dunno how big a it it was but it’s on many of his best-ofs.
But if you haven’t heard the definitive cover by Sebastian Cabot, then you haven’t heard anything!
Thanks. It just wasn’t coming to me.
I was thinking of the Dylan version.
Not Melissa Etheridge, that’s for sure.
The Turtles pretty much ruined it, just like The Byrds ruined Tambourine Man by turning it into a cheesy pop song.
Go Away from My Window was a song long before Dylan stole it.
I’m a little embarrassed to admit that these guys’ was the first version of it that I heard:
Without hearing the tune that goes along with it, I can’t agree with you. Taking a line from another song or a poem or a work of Shakespeare is not stealing someone’s work.
Have you listened to John Jacob Niles’s song? Other than the title, there is nothing in common.
I really hoped that this was about a response song. Stupid reality.