Go away, you nutbag.


for the attention of the ludramán who comes into the house with my brother.

go away.

You annoy me. you have no idea how little I care about what injustice you feel has been done against you.

Would you like to know why?

I swear, I can’t put up with it much more.

you keep telling my brother not to go out and get a job, when he sits at home instead of getting a job and helping to pay his way.

You sit there and try to lecture me on how I would enjoy myself more if I travelled for a couple of years.

Listen bitch, I’ll travel when I am ready for it. I’m not interested oin going to Australia to work in a Bar, not going to America to work as a gardener.

I don’t care if your friend went to America 5 years ago, and came back and got a job as a personal assistant, because, gues what, I dont want to be a personal assistant.

your claim that if she didn’t go to america she would only be a secretary dosent really inspire me with desire to travel.

And I don’t care what you would do if you were my age. you had your chance, and you missed it.

You are taking claims against the State and against the Medical profession for STUPID FUCKING REASONS that will be thrown out of court. You are going to claim that there is a massive cover up to prevent you from getting adequate medical coverage because you know secrets about politicians.

You were committed for your own safety, not because you know secrets about politicians. you don’t, you just don’t.

Then you decise to try to lecture me on Irish politics, like I dont know anything, and then just laugh at me when I correct the gaping holes in your understanding of current events.

GO AWAY!. Stop taking your shoes off if you havent washed your feet!

Stop drinking all the beer in my fridge!

Stop telling my brother to remain on Government assistance instead of getting a job!

leave my brother alone! He is with someone else! Stop throwing yourself on him!

You, madam, are a leech. Leqave me alone in my own house.

And go out and read something about what you claim.
Bah, I need a prozac.

What’s a ludramán…?

Not that I need to know that, to believe that she’s a waste of flesh

Um, while I understand your ire about this person, your acknowledgement that she has been previously committed should tell you something! Her paranoid rantings are not the result of well reasoned thought processes.

But good luck all the same.

She isn’t on medication, nor supervision, nor poses any threat. she has her full senses about her, and is medically certified as such.

She claims that she was committed because she learned secrets about top poilitcians, doctors, and members of the clergy. her story changes everytime she tells it.

If there were something still legitamatley wrong as certified by professionals, I would sympathise and would tolerate her a hell of a lot more than I do at the moment.

Yeah, what is?

lúdramán, or liúdramán, is Irish for “loafer”.

I see. Thank you.


tee hee!

Nothing says ‘go away’ like a tazer.

Or a pack of rabid dogs.

That have bees in their mouths.

So when the bark, they shoot bees.

Angry Bees.

Angry bees with lyme disease.

mmmm limes

Release the Robotic Richard Simmons!

Since I don’t generally LOL: Ha! :slight_smile: