Oh wait, that’s “Coetzee”, never mind…
Oh wait, that’s “Coetzee”, never mind…
Terrible pun, Revtim. I think that’s stretching things too far!
Don’t be so hard on him. Not everyone’s as anal about checking cites.
Oh, loosen up already. Don’t be such a tightass.
Be warned. If you haven’t heard of ‘goatse’ before now, and you’re curious, the goatse picture is NOT SAFE FOR WORK. And it’s just not pretty. [/warning]
Sorry to be a party pooper.
That’s literature? I thought he blew it out of his ass.
I’m still wondering how that person can stretch his anus so wide.
I refuse to be the butt of any more misleading thread titles!
Coach Z?!?
He did a pretty good jorb writing his book. He deserves it.
No, he did a good JAEEORRRBB of it.
I need to feltch myself a copy of that.
Umm…I meant “fetch”…hehe.
Must be a graphic novel.
A simple warning to those curious to see what we’re talking about.
Once you see it YOU CAN NOT UNSEE IT. The image will become permanently burned in your mind.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.