RIP Goatse: 1/16/04

Goatse is dead. Long live Goatse!

I just found out about this and I had a hard time believeing it. Goatse is a internet legend burned into the minds of millions of people around the world. I don’t think it would be stretching things to far to call Goatse a cutural icon. This man(?) was brave enough to open himself up to the entire world. His one picture was guaranteed to leave a deep and lasting impact on anyone that viewed it. And now his site has been suspended because of a single complaint.

On one hand, he did dig his own hole by not choosing a less restrictive hosting company. On the other hand, it seems they didn’t even give him a chance for a rebuttal. Where is Bob’s retort? What thoughts are running around inside that caverous cavity of his? Has he forsaken his many fans or even, god forbid, died?

This quote from my link perfectly sums up the greatness of he who is named Bob Goatse.

Truly this is the passing of an era. Just as my childhood ended the day I first saw Goatse, so too ends this stage of the internet. Goodbye Goatse, we knew what you were like inside but we never got the chance to know the real you.

Eh, I thought he was a big asshole.

so what is the deal with Goatse? and the infamous picture, which I had not heard about till now?

I 100% promise that you are better of not knowing. It is one of those things that once you see it, you cannot unsee it. I know that like most dopers you are probably curious about many things in this world, but please, please believe me that you are better off not knowing.

FriarTed, there are plenty of clues in the OP to give you a basic idea. That’s about as far as you will want to go in knowing, I’m sure:

Wow, after all this years there has been ONE complaint? thats pretty unbelievable.

I hadn’t heard of it either.

WHY didn’t I listen?! It was just too tempting! After reading the thread I just had to see the picture. And now I need to wash my brain out with bleach. I’m scared for life.

Is there a real picture or just that stylized one made from punctuation? I don’t want to see the real thing butt the stylized one didn’t leave me gaping. Chute, I’ve seen worse.

There is a real picture. Its alot worse than you could ever possibly imagine.

Truly was there never a finer asshole then Goatse. The people responsible for removing his site should look into the gaping anus of their own souls. His absence just leaves a gaping hole in the internet that could not possible be filled. Althought, I must admit there are many candidates available. You might want to check this link first if you’ve never seen Goatse.

Truly was there never a finer nor bigger asshole then Goatse. The people responsible for removing his site should look into the gaping anus of their own souls. His absence just leaves a gaping hole in the internet that could not possible be filled. Althought, I must admit there are many candidates available. You might want to check this link first if you’ve never seen Goatse.

Oh well. At least we still have TubGirl (no I will NOT give you a link).

Truely a bigger asshole would be difficult to imagine. Fear not, young one, Goatse will be back with a new host soon enough. I first found out about goatse here on the dope. Someone linked to it and a mod wisely deleted the link. Several of us asked what the link was and a Doper was kind enough to send it to me. I have since returned the favor to many of my friends.


Moderator’s Notes:
And nobody better post direct links to anything from that Wikipedia page. Or a link to the picture. Or anything else like that.

Heads will roll.

When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you.

Did you notice that he’s married? Well, he’s wearing a wedding ring, at least.

I think I get the picture and am satiated by the imaginary variety. What, did this guy fall on a Jaws Of Life or something? Do his farts have an echo?’s farts don’t echo, and noone knows why!

He’d better be careful. You don’t want a colony of bees to discover a place like that.